Friday, August 10, 2012

Adventure in Randomness Continued

I have decided to let you all read yesterday afternoon's randomness that I continued writing after posting my morning's random thoughts.  During my lunch time of yummy green salad I just listened to Bibi, the African Gray Parrot, and typed what she was saying.  This bird not only amazes me, she also amuses me. I need all the amusing I can get. Here is a portion of her afternoon monologue as she sat on her perch and watched the household activities. None of this was prompted by her owners.

Want some water? Pop (makes popping sound) corn.
Bye, bye, bye.
Gobble, gobble, gobble.  What's a turkey?
See ya morning. Good morn.
Bah bye. Want to go bye bye.
Step up.
Want to take a shower.
Doooo, doooo, dooo.
Smart Jane. Jane. Loki.
Hello Beebs. Peek a boo.
Purple. That's red, blue, yellow. That's purple.  So what's this? Purple.
Touch red.  Red. Good girl.
Good night.  See ya morning. I love you sooo much.
How many?  One, two, three.  Three berries.  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (pause) 6.  One berries.
Go on road trip, Beebs. Go bye bye.  I'll miss you.
(Makes water sound)  I want to take a shower.
How ya dooooin?
Buenos dias.
Ready to go back.
Rock Band
Want some? Some Yogurt. Want some water?

Next on my list of house blessing opportunities today is mop the utility room floor, clean utility sinks, toilet, and counter.  OK! Let's get busy.  Might as well start a load of clothes while I am at it.  This adventure is scheduled for 2-3 pm.  I'll be back soon.

Afternoon randomness #2
      Observation: I have a stupid headache.
      Complaint: I don't like it one bit.
      Question to self:  Self, would I like it any better if it were a smart headache?
      Answer:  No, I don't think so, but I've never had a smart one.

My stupid headache is from the fumes of disinfectant and carpet cleaner. Perfumes, air fresheners, and odoriferous flowers like Easter lilies do the same thing to me. Give me the smell of bacon, chocolate cake, and pizza any day. As for my schedule, I just threw it out the window. The 3-4 pm weed eating expedition will be postponed an hour  Now, where is the aspirin?

Afternoon randomness #3
My hour postponement is up.  My schedule says, "Use weed eater by sun room steps." Well, here is where the rubber hits the road or my head hits the pillow. My head still aches, but not too badly. It is only four o'clock and stays light until 9.  The Olympics start at 8.  My daughter invited me over to watch with her family. Here's the plan.  Pamper myself and baby the headache until 5.  Use the weed eater for 30 minutes or until battery runs down, heat up left-over spaghetti, eat, fold clothes, go watch the Olympics.


Here's what really happened the rest of  yesterday's afternoon.  I took an aspirin, laid myself down, downloaded a computer game, then went outside to use the weed eater.  Guess what.  It didn't want to eat.  For some reason, it wasn't charged enough to do diddly. I came back inside and, like the weed eater, did diddly the rest of the afternoon and evening.  Didn't even watch the Olympics.

Afternoon Randomness #4  What does "diddly" mean anyway?  It's one of those expressions I grew up with along with my dad's "Hold 'er Knute (Newt)" which he used as a warning to think again or slow down. My grandmother's use of "Oh fudge" was the extent of her profanity. She was pretty upset if those words ever came out of her prim and proper English mouth.

Ooops, I didn't grow up with "diddly". At least I used it correctly. It was first used in 1964 and means "nothing", as does diddly squat. Hold 'er Newt's origin is unknown, but Oh fudge originated in the 1700s. Fudge has to do with something that doesn't turn out as expected. The candy is called fudge because a girl making caramel goofed up.  I'm sure glad she did. It's amazing what you can find on the Internet. I won't go into the urban slang meanings of any of these expressions.  They're X rated--at least in my book.

I guess it really is wise to watch what one says.  The expressions we grew up with could have very different meanings today. That's "too bad, so sad", but who know what that means to today's kids.  I'll just have to do as it says in James 5 and let my yes be yes and my no be no.

I know, I know, I just took the James reference out of context.  He was talking about swearing oaths and I'm talking about using slang expressions, adages, maxims, etc. But, if what I say does not bless or edify, maybe I should keep my mouth shut. So, "No, my weed eater didn't work yesterday.  Yes, it worked this afternoon".  Is "work" an OK word to use? What about" weed eater" I sure hope they're G rated.

Afternoon Randomness #5  May all our words be G rated --- God approved.

Have a God evening.

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