Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Morning Turf Wars

I had an interesting surprise this morning.  I was watching the doe and twin fawns in my yard while fixing my coffee.  Mama deer was walking around the apple tree on her hind legs while the fawns were munching on the dandelions under it.  Then I noticed that one of the fawns was quite a bit larger that the other. They had stopped eating and now stood nose to nose, checking each other out,  That is when it got interesting.  All of a sudden, a doe I hadn't seen charged out from the tall grass toward the fawns. The apple picking mama then charged the new doe.

 It was all over in seconds. The apple picking doe returned to the tree to finish breakfast. Her second twin sauntered into view from behind a rhodie and joined its sibling in a feast of flowers.  Out from the tall grass came a little fawn, a perfect match to the one now following its mother.  Together, that mom and her youngsters trotted off to check out a different apple tree.  I had no idea that two families visited my yard.  This morning they just happened to come to the same tree at the same time. I had better start paying more attention to my 'hood and its turf wars.

How many more wonderful, exciting events do I miss because I don't really look at what I'm seeing? How much of God's work in my daily life do I miss because I'm not paying attention or not expecting to see anything? Open your eyes, girl!

Have a God day.  I plan to.

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