Thursday, November 8, 2012

Celebration Time

This posting will be short and sweet. At least for me it is sweet. It is so sweet that I am going to celebrate by eating left over pizza for dinner and taking a shower before bed. I already ate a Snickers bar when I got home from seeing the doctor. Here is the celebratory news. I don't have to wear that big, heavy, clumsy, protective boot on my foot a day longer. I don't have to keep my footsie out of the water anymore either.  I don't even have to elevate it when and if it complains. Hooray, I'm free at last.

Free is a relative term though. I still have to change the dressing twice a day, and see the Dr. weekly, but that is nothin'. I'm so excited. Well maybe not as excited as I thought. I no longer can  say the Dr wants me lying down most of the day. I have no excuses now.

This has been a long six weeks, but God has seen me through it. I'm so thankful for family and friends who helped with nursing care, meals, transportation, and encouraging phone calls. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you all.

This has been a God day, hasn't it.


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