Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My History, His Story

I spent two hours this morning doing something I should have been doing every day, that is saving what I write. Everything is saved on the Blogspot site only. I have chosen not to save what I write onto my laptop because I am lazy. That is probably not the wisest way to do things.

Also not very wise is taking "lazy" a step further and not saving to an external device like a memory stick of some sort. This last Spring when my laptop crashed I lost everything on it. The hard-drive's memory could not be accessed at all. So long years of work! Well, as of noon today, every blog I have written  on my new laptop is backed up on both my machine and a memory stick. Now I just need to save as I go.

BUT, is it necessary to save what I write? That is a question I began asking myself when my computer first crashed. I wondered if my thoughts, musings, questions, emotions, decisions, hopes, dreams, fears, confusions etc., etc., were worth saving for who-knows-what? I wondered if they were meant merely as a tool to help me deal with everything going on around me, but not for anything else. I wondered if maybe I needed to  just write for the moment, for the new prospective, for the insight, or for my therapist, then delete it all. Well, I have come to believe that I need to save what I write for several reasons. Here they are.

1.  My writing reveals what the Lord has done in me.  It is only by reading what I wrote during the past years, months, and weeks that I can see how far I have come and the work He has done in me. I also see more and more clearly that I have not made this journey by myself. My family has played a major role as have my friends and church family. Whenever I reread my writings, I discover more to praise and thank him for.

2.  My history is His StoryFrom time to time someone reminds me that my life (my history) is not being experienced in a vacuum. My family is watching and learning by observing the way I travel. So it seems reasonable that since my history is really His story (God's story in my life) I need to share it in my own words so others may see God in action as I have. I want my children, my grand-children, and my great-grandchildren to see what wonders my God can, and will do in the midst of unfathomable circumstances. I want them to see the challenges God met, the fears He removed, the confusion He clarified, the anger He removed, the depression He lifted, the hope and joy He poured out. I want them to see, feel, and experience my living Lord and Savior, my Jesus Christ. To do that I must write, and I must save what I write.

3.   That others may be encouraged.  It is not only family members who watch, wonder, and learn from seeing what I am doing and how I am doing it, but also friends and outsiders. My life is being shared whether I know it or not. I pray that not only my actions, but also my writing will shine light into darkness, boost strength during times of weakness, and encourage the discouraged.

4.  That my joys, delights, and humor may be shared.  Laughter is such an important part of my life although it is not obvious to many. By writing about those things that amuse me, cause me to laugh, or bring me joy, part of my very essence is shared with others. Who knows, it may bring a smile to someone else's face. If not, I still got a smile by sharing it.

5.  That God may be glorified.  Need I say more?

 And there you have it--the reasons I must save my writings. They may not be earth shaking reasons, but I feel they are important reasons. Yes, they are important to me, but I think it is important that we each pass down our history, our God story, with those we love.

The Bible is full of stories like ours'. The Abrahams, Isaacs, and Jacobs of history had their times of unbelievable faith as well as times they fell flat on their faces. The same is true of the Sarahs, Rahabs, and Marthas. Each of us is no different from these men and women of old. We, like they, have our ups and our downs, our good times and bad, our faith and doubts. And, we also have an unchanging, forever loving, ever leading God. Let's proclaim it for all to hear.

Let our history be His story to be told.

I can't help but end with this: It doesn't really matter what I save. What really matter is JESUS SAVES.

Be blessed.


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