Thursday, November 15, 2012

I'm A Rejoicing Ol' Grump

I'm a grump, I'm a grump.  I'm a grouchy ol' grump.
I'm a grump in the guise of a Grandma.

I've a stuffed up, red nose, a wheezy old chest, a cough and a sneeze and a chill.
So now that I've ruled all my allergies out, the verdict is in, and I'm ill.
My eyes are both red, they want to close up, There's an ache across my whole noggin.
I lay on the couch, wrapped up to keep warm, thinking, "Why in the world am I bloggin'?".

And then there's my foot that is starting to hurt. It's telling me it is not happy.
I now have more feeling, not alot, but enough, to know that right now it feels cra***.
Yes, it is healing, and yes that is good. The blood vessels and nerves are a-growing.
But the Dr, he prodded, he scraped and he cut, then stopped when he had the blood flowing.

The more blood that's flows, the faster it heals, Doc's hoping it's all done by Christmas.
With nerves growing too, I should give a cheer, but pain is not on my wishlist.
While Dr. was scraping, and blood was appearing, I really could feel nothing,
But here on the couch, five hours later, it's throbbing, it's throbbing, it's throbbing.

Hold on to your hats, shout out a "Praise God," Guess what, no skin graft is needed.
I do so rejoice over everyone's prayers that certainly were not unheeded.
Now I'll blow my nose again, and cough and sneeze and wheeze.
Then trundle off to beddie-bye, praying, "Lord, heal quickly, please."

I hope you had a God day. Mine has ended up that way.


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