Sunday, November 11, 2012

Veterans' Day Thoughts

Veterans' Day is a day that is easy to take for granted; so are the men and women who have served and are serving our country. I have no idea what it cost in human lives and family sacrifice for me to get an education, vote, own property, drive a car, worship, or even express my ideas in writing on the internet. They are all part of my daily life, yet millions of men and women around the world(especially women) can do none of those things. My freedoms and privileges came at great cost. I must never forget that.

My grandfather served in the army during WWI, my dad in the navy during WWII as well as an uncle in the army and an uncle in the navy, my brother in the army in Viet Nam, a son in the air force and niece in the army during Desert Storm, and a grandson was just commissioned into the Air Force. They all serve/d however they could, where ever they were sent, and did what they were assigned to do. Thank you, family. I'm proud of you.

This Veterans' Day sermon at church was so good. We were reminded that no matter who is in office, what initiatives are passed, what storms rage and ravage our cities, what wars tear apart out world, what illnesses tear apart out lives, God is Supreme. He, and only He, is our source of Hope.

As God's sons and daughters, we will experience trials, tribulations, and persecution. That is a given, but so is God's desire for us to live our lives abundantly. That can't be done through politics, wars, fancy medicine, or more and more laws. It can only be done by El Elyon, Supreme God.

The Environmental Protection Agency will never be able to produce a perfect planet. Since the fall of man and our failure to dress, till and keep the earth, the world has been agonizing and longing to return to what it was when it was created. It will continue to act in ways we can never understand until the Creator restores it. Not man.

While we mope, despair, and cry out, "God, what is going on here? Why are you allowing this? Why aren't you doing something about this?" God continues working, fighting for his will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, drawing people closer to himself, people who will be obedient. El Elyon, Supreme God, is the only one in whom there is life abundant, in whom there is hope.

So, as I remember those who fought for our country, for what they believed in, my family members included, thank you for doing your part. Now I must fight for what I believe in, do my part with what I have to extend the kingdom. But I must never forget that God is in control of all things including governments.  Fear and despair will accomplish nothing. The greatest thing I can do right now is pray for our elected leaders, fight diligently where I am stationed, and watch God work.

Thankful for our veterans,


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