Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Send Off

My favorite mornings are not those where I wake up at 4:30 and cannot go back to sleep. That is the way this morning started. So here it is, 6:54 a.m. and I'm dressed, fed, and have changed the dressing on my foot. My bed is made and a load of clothes folded and put away. Now all I have to do is wash up a couple dishes and I'll be ready for the day.

It should be a fun day. No, it will be a fun day. My ride (my daughter's mother-in-law) is picking me up at 9:30 for a trip to the big city.   Two big cities actually. Well, it all depends on where one is from as to the definition of  a big city. I guess if one is a Seattleite, I definitely am not going to big city. But in the eyes of those in my area, I'm heading to the cities.

Our ultimate destination is a going away party to my oldest grandson and his wife. However, a stop is planned for Costco. My driver will stock up on some much needed items as well as many more items not needed at all. I might buy some oatmeal and maybe some walnuts and raisins, but that will be all. At least I think that is all. You know how it goes. Oh yes, I will probably have to get a Polish dog or slice of pizza. Something fat-free and much needed of course.

Then off to the party we will go. I have the address written on a piece of paper. I've hand copied the driving directions from Google Maps (my printer must think it is on vacation). Will we get there OK? Absolutely.

Now for the scoop on my grandson. He was commissioned into the Air Force in June. He graduated from college in June. He got married in June. And, would be reporting to his base for schooling next June. After three life changing events all in a period of weeks, he and his wife were ready to settle down and use the coming year to adjust to married life.

That all changed a couple months ago when he received orders to report to Texas in November, not next November, this November. They had hardly settled into their apartment when their like-new household items were packed up and shipped off. The newlyweds will follow in a couple weeks.

Ever since my grandson's commissioning, their families' thoughts were, "This coming Thanksgiving will be the last Thanksgiving together for awhile. This coming Christmas will be the last one together for awhile." Well, as it turns out, last Thanksgiving and Christmas were the last ones for awhile and we didn't even know it.

Now, the only family event we have is this party. It will give us all the opportunity to visit with the assembled family and friends. It will be fun to meet new people and share food together. Of course, though bitter-sweet, it will be fun sending the kids off on their new adventure and life together.

So, as I say goodbye and farewell to my grandson and his wife  today, I pray that they will be able to say goodbye with thanksgiving and praise for what they had here. I pray they can embrace today and give thanks for their family and friends who wish them well. And lastly, I pray they will celebrate the coming days full of blessings, the adventures that await them, the friends to be made, and the Lord's guidance that is always there for the asking.

Godspeed, Children of God. Live out the life God has chosen for you and do it well.

 I plan to have a God day today. Please join me and have one too.

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