Sunday, November 4, 2012

I Could Write About...

For the third time today I have brought up this blank page on which to type a new post for the blog. Now I just sit here and look at it, wondering what to write about. The options are unlimited.

I could write something about my childhood, or my kids' childhoods, or my grandchildren's childhoods. I could do that.

I could write some sort of poem about dark, rainy days and the stillness I find indoors, or the wonderful colors and smell of autumn, or the different sounds of rain. I could do that.

I could write about sleep, which is what I really want to do (actually sleep, not write about it)--probably because I have had too much sugar today. At last count I had consumed 1 glass of cranberry juice (unsweetened but full of natural sugar nevertheless), 2 fig newtons, 4 homemade molasses-gingersnaps, and 2 gluten free cookies sprinkled with sea salt. Every single calorie was delicious. Don't worry, I did have some protein. I had two scrambled eggs for breakfast, and some chicken and cottage cheese for lunch. Dinner will include 1/2 an acorn squash without brown sugar, and some raw, sliced peppers. I'll have a yogurt smoothie (unsweetened) with frozen strawberries (unsweetened) and a banana later this evening. But I won't write anything more about that.

I could write about the perseverance of my son's cross country runners at the state championship meet yesterday. I could do that.

Or, I could write about the wonderful church service today which I watched from home on my laptop. Since I don't want anyone to know I dozed off for about five minutes during the sermon, I won't go there with my writing.

I could write about interesting encounters this week with people I haven't seen for years. Out the of blue or gray, or whatever color the sky is at the moment, they have appeared before my very eyes: a previous pastor waiting for his flu shot at the pharmacy, a member of my former church who was visiting the same office I was and invited me to join him and his wife at the Sr. Center for lunch, and the ex-wife of my good friend's son pushing her grocery cart. God ordained appointments? I think so.

I could write about preparing my testimony for Wednesday, but I already wrote a little about that a couple days ago. I have a dilemma though. Since the theme for Wednesday's Bible Study is "Excellence, Realizing Your Potential", I will share about the encouragement that I have received over the years, encouragement to write. While doing that, I probably should tell the ladies about my step into the World of Blog. Up to now it is mainly family, close friends, and my family's friends who read it. At least that is what I think.

So what is the dilemma? I still question whether or not my blog is for my own growth, or if it is touching others. I was even going to ask those who read this to write something in the comment box then click on "Publish" to let me know your feelings. But if I am going to seriously talk about using ones gifts, I really should give out the web address, explaining my inner turmoil and insecurities about my writing, but doing it out of obedience, though reluctantly at times. If God wants to use me and my writing, he can't if I don't let people know I am writing.

Now that I have written all this trivia and drivel, I guess I don't have to write anything else. I can save the above ideas future reference.

As I finish up here, I would like to report on the wonderful day I had yesterday. It was so good to see my grandson's and their new wives, my niece's son and his new wife, my new granddaughter's parents,  brother, grandparents, friends, and friends of the soon-to-be-leaving couple. It was fun visiting and getting to know my "new" family a little better. In addition, the food was good. From nachos to fruit, from veggies to cookies (some of which I brought home) everyone grazed the afternoon and evening away while talking, laughing, and playing games. I am so glad I was able to go.

Today has been a God day, hasn't it!


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