Friday, December 14, 2012

An Un-lost Poem-"Playing in The Leaves"

As I was tearing my hair out trying to find last year's Christmas cards and mailing list, I came across a poem I wrote last fall called "Playing in the Leaves". I was quite excited to find it because it was one of the items I lost when my computer crashed last summer. Then right under the poem was my list of people and the cards I received last Christmas.  This is promising to be a great day.

So right now, I am going to type out this short poem that was so fun to write. The meter and rhyming pattern is the same as a poem called "Robinson Crusoe's Story" by Charles E. Carryl that I memorize in the fifth grade. I have always like the sound of it. Enjoy.

Playing in The Leaves

The day was cool and breezy, and the kids were sort of sneezy
When they put on coats and went outside a while.
I heard them running, playing, and one loud voice was saying,
"Let's rake up leaves and put them in a pile."

Then all the kids did scurry, found the rakes in one big hurry,
Formed the leaves in mounds of yellows, browns, and reds.
Some they crawled right under. Others they kicked asunder.
And all the kids got leaves stuck to their heads.

At last their hands were so numb, the kids all said "We are done."
They came inside for hot cocoa to drink.
I pulled leaves out of their hair. They were much too tired to care.
Tomorrow brings more fun for them, I think.

It would be fun to do a few stanzas for each season of the year. I'll think about doing a Winter/Christmas part over the holidays.

This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.


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