Tuesday, December 11, 2012

House Preparations

"Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat." Well, I guess they're getting fat. That's what the song says. I haven't seen any fat or thin ones around here lately. They must have all flown south for the winter. I do know for sure they will be back in the spring. I'll have to check out their girth when they return. That way I won't have to check mine.

"Over the river and through the woods, to Nana's house we go." Two of my granddaughters came over last evening to do some decorating. They have done this for many years now. They love putting the ornaments on the tree, and placing other sundry items around the house. There were a couple differences this year, though. First off, they drove themselves over. That's exciting for them and scary for the rest of us. Secondly and sadly, we didn't find some of the tubs of ornaments.

"Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree." (Stand by for a fanfare. Drum roll, please. Now, sound the trumpet) MY TREE IS UP thanks to one granddaughter! Although sad looking, artificial, and without ornaments, it shines brightly there by the couch. At least that part of the room looks like Christmas is coming.

"Oh little town of Bethlehem, how still I see thee lie." My nativity scene is out of its box and arranged by the fireplace hearth. The shepherd is with the sheep, Mary and Joseph are with the Christ Child, the Magi and camels are making their way westward, but the buildings are all dark. I haven't tried finding an extension cord yet.

"Stocking were hung by the chimney with care." I started making cross-stitch stockings when my first grandchild was born. I have since made three more. They do hang by the chimney with care. The only problem is I have more than four grand-kids. Every year I tell myself I have to get busy and make stocking for the others, then by the time all the decorations have left the room in January, the thought has left my mind also.

"Deck the halls with boughs of holly. Fa la la la la, la la la la."  Sorry, I hate to disappoint you, but my halls, tables, mantle, or other surfaces aren't decked with holly or anything else yet. My artificial garlands for the mantle and dining room archway are still stuffed into a black, plastic, garbage bag. The bag is in the bottom of a plastic tub along with several boxes of golden Christmas balls waiting to go into a large glass bowl. The tub is in the middle of my living room. The empty, falling-apart cardboard box that housed the tree is in the dining room, and a ladder is by the kitchen. I have no idea where the boxes of other decorations are. I will have to do some major box moving in the storage room to find them. Sigh.

"Silent night, holy night, all is calm. All is bright." In just a matter of days we will celebrate Christmas. I will have found the rest of my decorations. Part of my mess will be cleaned up, and the rest put away. The tree will be fully decorated, including a glass pickle. The garlands will be hung and decorated with poinsettias. The nativity scene will be brightly shining. Christmas music will be softly playing. My home will be ready to celebration of our dear Savior's birth. So will I.

Oh come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.


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