Monday, December 17, 2012

Lord, What Happened?

I wrote a rough draft of this on Saturday, but didn't finish it until today.

Lord, what happened? I want to ignore the whole tragedy, pretend it didn't happen, understand it, fix it. I can't.

I hope it will go away. It won't

I don't want to think about it, but I still think. I don't want to talk about it, but I must talk. I want to cry, but tears don't come. I am numb with grief and disbelief that something as horrific as this could happen.

Lord, what happened? Why did that young man intentionally take the lives of 20 innocent youngsters and traumatize hundreds of others? Why did he kill his own mother and 6 other adults? Was he angry? Was he without hope? Was there no help?

Lord, what happened?

My heart breaks for the victims' and the shooter's families. There is no way I can start to understand the pain of their broken hearts or their anger at the insanity that took their children's or family member's lives. Those families are forever changed. Lord, bring them healing, Let them forgive.

I have so many questions. You have all the answers. But this I know for sure, even though Satan would love to use this for evil, you can and will use this for good.*

And Lord, what about Christmas, not just this Christmas, but next Christmas and the ones after that? How will families celebrate?

What about Christmas! In a sense, Christmas is the only thing that makes sense to me right now.

It's because your baby boy, who was born in the manger, and brought light and hope into the world, that we may again see light and have hope. We need it, Lord.

It is because Jesus, who brought healing to hurting people, that hearts and minds can be mended. Please help us heal.

It's because of our Redeemer, who died on the Cross, that there is forgiveness. May we be able to forgive.

It IS about Christmas and the coming of your Son! Thank you, Lord.

Romans 8:28

New International Version (NIV)
*And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Blessings, Jan

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