Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My Unique Day

What a gorgeous morning! The sun shines through the trees making brilliant yellow-green shapes all over the lawn, as well as blinding white spots on the side of my garage. It's an absolutely beautiful, party-in-my-soul, kind of day. It's also a day people are talking about because this date, a three number repetition, 12/12/12, won't happen again for a century. Well, I don't get too excited about numbers. Dates will repeat themselves in some form or another, but today, this one I am living right now, will never recur. Every day is special, not because of its date on a calendar, but because of its place in God's heart. That is all there is to it.

So, on this unique, one-of-a-kind day, I will wash up my breakfast dishes (bowl, spoon, pan), fix my hair, and head into town to finish my Christmas shopping. I will have my Christmas letters printed, buy stamps, and come home. I will address my cards, fix dinner, and head off to a basketball game. I will cheer, visit, and enjoy the noise and excitement in the gym. I will come home, turn on the tree lights, and fill my hours before bed by reading, or knitting, or watching Castle, or playing a computer game, or... Then I'll go to bed knowing that this day might have seemed like every other day, but it wasn't. It was "Today".

I will enjoy and be thrilled by many more flickering-sun mornings, but not another "Today." I will enjoy many more bowls of oatmeal filled with craisins and walnuts, but none exactly like the one I just ate. I will write and mail other Christmas letters. I will buy different presents for different occasions. I will read different books, but today? Today is unique.

Today is God given. He has a plan for it. It is Spirit filled and led. He has a plan for it. But, here is the catch. Will it be Christ lived? I pray so. That part is up to me.

"Lord, as I go about my day, let my thoughts be your thoughts. Let my words be your words. Let me feel with your hands, see with your eyes and hear with your ears. May those I meet on this unique, one-of-a-kind day see and hear you. May this day be truly Christ lived. Amen."

Let's live our day to the fullest. It's the only one we have. 


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