Friday, December 7, 2012

This Week--With Notes

Not much has been happening around here. But I  finished typing that first sentence.........I have thought of many events, other than routine daily life, that took place this week.

Monday I attended the luncheon meeting of a women's group I belong to. My grand-kids think I'm crazy belonging to a group that researches and writes papers on a given topic each year. Last year our topic was "The Middle East". This year our topic is, "Women of Importance". We are free to explore anything that fits into that category. Monday's presentation was on Madeleine Albright, the first woman U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. My paper, to be presented in February, will be on Irena Sendler, a relatively unknown Polish woman who, according to documentation, rescued over 2,500 children from the Warsaw ghetto during WWII. The name and information of each child was recorded on paper and buried in a jar under a tree in a friend's yard. I have barely gotten started with my writing. I need to get a move on.

I thoroughly enjoy the ladies in this group. They are interesting, active, fun to be around, and good cooks. What more could one ask? And, I might add, most are women of faith. 

I will make a note at this point. Right after I found out that my husband had been molesting our grand-daughters, I seriously contemplated dropping out of this group. Because of my husband's crime, I felt I was not worthy to be a member, that I would be a black spot on the membership roll of a 100-year-old organization. I would be a disgrace. As ridiculous as that sounds now, as irrational, that is where I was emotionally at that time. Obviously, I didn't quit. I am thankful for the support they have provided.

Right after my meeting I went to see my foot doctor. He would probably prefer being called a podiatrist, but to me he is my foot doctor. Anyway, he took one look at my foot and almost jumped up and down in excitement. In the previous 1 1/2 weeks the healing has been unbelievable.  I almost jumped up and down too because I no longer have to use a gauze pad and roll of gauze to bandage my foot. I can just put a band-aid on it. Hooray.

I will make a note at this point. I had band-aids on my foot for a period of 36 hours and ended up with an itchy rash all around the area. I had forgotten about my latex allergy. I then changed back to a gauze pad, but used paper tape to hold it in place instead of a gauze roll. This morning my foot  itched where the paper tape was. Maybe I'm allergic to the adhesive on it. So, guess what? I'm back where I started. Gauze it is for the next couple weeks anyway. Hopefully, by my next visit, I will no longer have to bandage it at all. Gauze or not, I am so thankful for the fantastic healing that is taking place.

I did go to my grandson's basketball game Monday night. I love watching him play. Although small in stature, he is big on the court. His defensive playing was awesome. That little guy was able to shut down the baseline from the opponents who were sneaking in the back door. We were all disappointed that the team lost, but it was a well played game. You can't ask for more than that.

Yes, I will make a note here also. Not only was the game fun to watch, but I had so much fun sitting next to a couple high-school girls who were really into the game. (My granddaughter and her friend) They were cracking me up with their comments and antics like yelling out, "Way to go number 28, 10, 24,..." They then proceeded to call out all the jersey numbers plus any others that came to mind.  I sat on my pillow chuckling and wondering, "Was I ever like that?" I don't think so. Would I like to be like that?     YEAH.       NO!       Maybe.   It was too much to think about; and I don't want to fry my brain. I still have a paper to write.

Wednesday I helped in a second grade classroom. Some kids who were having trouble with math needed extra help the teacher couldn't provide in a timely manner. It didn't take long to discover one student knew the answers, but wrote them wrong--17 as 71. That makes perfect sense to an 8/9 year old. As he explained, "You say seventeen, write the seven, then the teen."  Another would make an immediate wild guess at the answer because he wanted to impress me with his speed, but get the answer wrong. If I had him think about it while I counted to 10, he usually got the right answer. What I discovered about each student will help the teacher as the year goes on.

Are you ready for my note? Teachers have an unbelievably hard job. My hour working one-on-one with a few students was an hour the teacher didn't have for one-on-one time in a busy classroom full of active kids. They need all the prayer they can get. Who are they? Teachers for sure, but don't forget the students.

Thursday was lunch day with a friend/neighbor. We both had foot surgery a week apart. Once I could drive, I would go to her house for lunch and a visit. We both were getting cabin fever by this time. Anyway, I took lunch over yesterday. After we had talked about quilting and knitting for awhile, she got me started knitting a pair of wool socks. I haven't knitted for years, at least nothing more difficult than a couple scarves and a few winter caps for dolls.  And knitting on three needles? That hasn't been done for over 30 years. Last night I got most of the top ribbing done. The stitches aren't very even. I am still having trouble keeping an even tension on the yarn, especially when I go from one needle to the other. Then there are the occasional dropped stitches. I do catch them in time, but it sure slows down the progress.

NOTE! What was I thinking. I must have lost my mind on this one. I will not give up, though. I will count this trial as pure joy. In the end, I will be more mature and complete. At least that is what I read in the beginning of James' New Testament letter.

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."  James 1:2-4  NIV

So there you have it. Some of this week's events, notes on the same, and a reminder to rejoice in those trials that come along. It is mainly through trials that we grow, mature, and become more complete in our faith.

Have a good day, a God day, and a day of rejoicing.


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