Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Bible Study Plus Discover Jesus Moment #5

The women's Bible study this morning was wonderful. We did an overview of John's letters to the 7 churches, then looked at the letter to Ephesus (Rev. 2:1-7) specifically. The homework for the coming week is to name each church, and write down each letter's commendations, warnings, and promises to over-comers. Of course, we also have to write about which letter spoke to us the most, and what we gained from it.

If I am honest about it, I like commendations. I don't especially like warnings, but will listen to them. AND, I don't like facing trials, betrayals, hurts or hardships. I want to live in the proverbial "ivory tower" where all is hunky-dory. One  of Beth Moore's comments today really put somethings back into perspective for me. She said, "If we have nothing to overcome, we will not be over-comers or conquerors." In other words, how can we experience the blessings of overcoming if we never have anything to overcome?

It will be interesting, now, to examine each letter John wrote to see what the churches faced, how they over-came, and Christ's promise to them. But even more interesting and important is how Christ will reveal himself to me as the week progresses.


This Discover Jesus Moment is another of those "after the fact" moments. I will not share any details, but I think you will understand the experience. After going to bed the other night, I couldn't fall asleep. That is unusual for me. I usually fall asleep within 5 minutes.

I couldn't fall asleep because I had something come to mind from the previous day that just wouldn't go away. The more I processed the conversation I had had with a friend whose daughter had been molested, the more I couldn't sleep. It seemed that certain harmless, well-intentioned, loving pats from a family member caused very real problems for the child as unpleasant memories were stirred up. She had been silent about all this because she didn't want to hurt his feelings and make him angry about the molestation all over again.

As I tossed, turned, and hurt for the child and my friend, the Lord hit me over the head with this. As long as the family member's behavior continues, no matter how innocent and loving it is, it is not harmless because  it makes the child a victim each time it happens!

That was my Discover Jesus Moment, but I didn't recognize it at the time. It was then I knew I had to have another talk with my friend. I had to tell her that the family member had to be told about the situation. He would never want to do anything to harm the little girl. It was absolutely necessary he knew what was going on.

Then peace of mind came, and I fell asleep.

So, I talked to my friend yesterday. She sincerely thanked me, gave me a big hug and a "Thank You", and will have that conversation.

After today's Bible study, I further discovered and realized that a loving Father who deeply wants a little girl to overcome unimaginable obstacles will do whatever is necessary to make it happen, even if it means keeping some of us awake at night. Thank you, Lord.

I wonder what he will reveal about himself tomorrow as I look at John's letter to Smyrna  (Rev. 2:8-11) Why not join me.


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