Monday, March 4, 2013


Wow, my windows are really dirty. I know. I know. That is no way to start off this blog. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. The sun is finally shining, and here I am complaining. Well, I'm not complaining, really. I am just stating the obvious condition of my windows. They are really dirty. That fact doesn't come to light until there is some light shining on the panes. Now, that is a real pain.

Since the sun is supposed to stay around until the end of the week, maybe I can get some window washing done sometime over the next few days. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. It is hard to wash windows with crossed fingers, but I'll try.

I also want to get some yard work done. Because I am a fair weather gardener there is a lot of work to do. If it is raining, drizzling, blowing, or freezing, I will stay inside. The gardening can wait. I am also one of those people who takes to heart what I read. If the experts say not to remove leaves from bulbous plants until after the tops die down, I don't do it. That means I don't remove the leaves from the crocosmia in the fall--the tops are still green. After an extremely wet, gray winter, the leaves are now brown, waterlogged, beaten down, rotting, and ugly. They are hindering the plants under them from fully coming to life. They have to go. So yesterday, with the sun out, I got the flowerbed under the magnolia tree cleaned up. It looks great, and I feel good.

I could now sermonize about not seeing the sin in my life unless I let the SON shine on me. I could sermonize about how I can slow down new, God-driven life by not recognize or removing the rotten junk I have in my private storerooms. I could, but I won't--not today.

Today, I will celebrate the sun. Wow! I love it.

Thank you, Lord, for such a beautiful day to live in your grace and love,

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