Friday, March 29, 2013

Discover Jesus Moment #7

As I have occasionally said, my mind takes me to some interesting places when I think about what to journal. Yesterday, while writing about my experience at my first Passover Seder, I was also thinking about the challenge put before those of us at my women's Bible study of Revelation. We are to discover what Jesus is revealing about himself as we go about our daily lives.

While taking a break from writing, I reread the scripture for this week's lesson--Rev. 7. It paints a glorious high-def, 3D picture of a great multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language standing before the throne and clothed in white robes. They are waving palm branches and singing praises to God. Also worshiping God are angels and the 24 elders. In the midst of all this glory, John is asked by an elder, "These in white robes--who are they, and where did they come from?" John answered, "Sir, you know." With that, the elder proceeds with his explanation. "These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb..."

Whoa. Just a minute. My mind did a double take at this statement. I know that Jesus shed his blood as an atonement for my sins. But, they have washed their robes and made them white? They did it. Christ gave the blood, but they had to do the washing. Hmmm. I wasn't sure what role the tribulation played in all this. For all I know, we could be in it right now, but the implications of doing my own laundry really got me to thinking. In order to wash my dirty, sin-stained garments, I need to:
  • Recognize my clothes are dirty. Thankfully the Holy Spirit gladly shows me the stains.  
  • Take them off.
  • Wash them in the blood. 
  • Watch the stains be removed and the dirt come out as the cleansing unfolds.
  • Not be ashamed of my nakedness.
  • Recognize that this is a continuing process that won't end until I join those gathered in that glorious throne room.
Then I can sing out with the rest of the white robed multitude, "Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb." Rev 7:10 


Here is my Discover Jesus Moment #7.  Jesus bears my sin as he sheds his blood. I bare my soul as I present myself naked before him, filthy garments in hand.

I am not going to elaborate on the above points. The Spirit will lead each of us in different directions as we read and/or contemplate them. You go where you are led, and I will go where I am led, but each path will ultimately lead us AGAIN to the foot of the cross. See you there.

In the meantime, I have laundry to do, both spiritual and earthly.


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