Friday, March 22, 2013

Why Do I Run The Race?

I have to pack for a scrap-booking retreat today. As a result of being gone, I probably won't blog again until Sunday evening. I will also be attending a Seder dinner with my son and daughter-in-law. I'm looking forward to a fun weekend.

Anyway, I was at a cold, windy, rainy track meet yesterday. Two athletes, one a 800 meter runner and the other, a miler, each had quite large leads in their awesome runs to victory. After learning their winning times, they each were disappointed that they hadn't run faster. They both said it is hard to run your best race when there is no one ahead of you to overtake, and no one attempting to overtake you from behind. Hmmmmm! They seem to run their best when they are either running from or toward something.  Their comments got me thinking.

Here is the question I am posing today. What makes me run the race that is often mentioned in scripture, the one run before the great cloud of witnesses in Heb 12:1? What makes you run the race? Am I (are we) running from something or someone or toward something or something?  Just askin'. Here are a few scriptures to prime the thinking pump.

Prov. 18:10
Isa 10:3
Isa 40:31
1 Cor 9:24

Happy running,

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