Monday, March 11, 2013

I'm Good to Go.

For the past three days I have kept telling myself to sit down and write. For those same three days I have silently replied, "Not now, not today." As I have said before, more often than not I have no idea what to write about. Nothing seems like a dark cloud over my head. Nothings seems unusually funny. Nothing seems wonderfully beautifully or heart stirringly poignant. These days have had their fun times, inspirational times, thought provoking times, sitting in a dentist chair times, and times of solving puzzles, playing computer games, reading good books, or doing absolutely nothing at all. That is my life in a nutshell. (As an aside, is it a pecan, walnut, hazelnut or Brazil nut shell? It's an interesting concept to play with.)

What were the fun times? I had a couple of them. First was a movie date with one of my grandsons for his 16th birthday. We enjoyed the movie, and I enjoyed the conversation over hamburgers and blizzards afterward. I loved hearing about track practice and the resulting sore muscles. I got to hear about the math team competition. (He and his cousin placed 3rd in one area, so are going to State.) I loved to hear him talk about one of my favorite things, PowerPoint presentations, and the awesome things that can be done with them. I loved... You get the picture

The second fun thing was what is causing me to lie low today. I went to the high school track for a walk-a-thon with my son and his family. I knew nothing about the event  until an hour before it started. That's when I got the call inviting to join them if I wanted to. So, since it was promising to be a sunny day, I went. Clad in jeans, sweatshirt, hiking shoes, and light rain jacket I started out to conquer the first lap. Quarter mile, here I come.

While the sun burned through the clouds, I strode out, and checked out the walkers. There were small groups of young kids, teens, and moms. There were  pairs of best friends, co-workers, and married couples. There were young kids who ran at top speed, then slowed to a snail's pace before charging off again. There was a cross country runner aiming for the $100 pledge if anyone completed 5 miles in the hour event--he did it.There were the volunteers marking each completed lap on the walkers' lap sheets, and handing out bottled water. There were three dogs on leashes, and me.

I completed the first lap at a fairly good clip while visiting with my son. A second lap was with my daughter-in-law. Then came laps 3,4...walking and visiting and exchanging pleasantries with whomever came by. By the seventh lap I still had a positive, can-do attitude. but I was hot, tired, and my body was highly recommending I celebrate 7 laps and stop. Then came lap number eight. That is all I needed for two miles. E..I...G....H.....T. Just one measly lap. Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot, 300 meters to go. Pick it up, put it down, pull it up, plop it down, 200 meters left.  I think I can. I think I can, 100 meters. I know I can. Stand up straight. I know I can. I know I can. Pick up your feet. I know I can. \

I DID IT!  Eight laps, 2 miles, 3,200 meters, 10,560 feet, in one hour! Smile and wave at the adoring fans. They are on their feet, cheering, waving, chanting. "Jan. Jan. Jan" Ooops, I think I got carried away there.

For those of you who exercise regularly, this is just a cool down. For me, this is the first real exercise I have had since my foot surgery in September. I won a marathon.

I had fun being with people, and enjoying the sun and warmth. I had to chuckle a bit, though. I envisioned my grand-kids running the whole time. I could see myself waving each time they passed me up, leaving me in their "dust" Wrong! The boys did some running, but not much. And the girls? They didn't pass me, and I didn't pass them. All us ladies kept our spacing the whole time. After the event as I was talking to the grand-kids, I asked one of the girls how many laps she ran. She look at me with a quizzical look on her face and replied, "You thought we were going to run?" Then she grinned, laughed out loud, and ran off to get her discarded water bottle. Silly Nana.

A silly Nana is what I was for thinking teen-age girls would run during a walk-a-thon. I was even more silly in forcing myself to walk that last lap when this was not a competition. Yesterday my feet were sore, but today I have shin splints. Flexing my ankles to lift my feet up and down doesn't feel very good. Well, I might as well be perfectly honest, I really prefer not to walk at all. Thankfully, neither my knees or hips feel any discomfort. Just my shins.

Those other events over the last three days? Pastor's sermon from Matthew  19:26  "...for with God all things are possible" will feed me during the week. My visit with my therapist was a good time of just unloading and getting a different perspective on a few things. My dentist crowned me with another crown (temporary for a couple weeks). and life is good.

And there you have it. From sore soles to a saved soul, I'm good to go.


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