Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Discover Jesus Moment #6

Most evenings I watch "stuff" on my laptop.  Last night, stuff included MacGyver, the TV series from the 1980s, on HULU. It's a show that has no profanity, no sex, and no dishonesty or ulterior motives on MacGyver's part. In addition, he eats healthy food like tofu and bean sprouts, turns down fatty foods, drinks water, and can escape from any perilous situation with only his trusty Swiss army knife, a roll of duct tape, and whatever else he can find close at hand. Paper clip? Just the ticket! Rusty muffler? Perfect! No string? A shoe lace will do. Besides all that, he is easy going, unflappable, and has the cutest, most impish smile.

If you are in a tight place, MacGyver will get you out. He's dah man.

Last night as I watched him escape from a locked, booby-trapped semi-trailer with only seconds left on the detonator, I thought, "Nothing is impossible for this guy." That is when Sunday's sermon on  Matthew 19:26 popped into mind. "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

There are so many times we face those impossible, at least in our minds, situations. We think all is hopeless--the disease, the addiction, the betrayal, the depression, the finances, the job, the kids. Where do we go? What do we do? Again, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead, calmed the storm. He did it all. Nothing was/is/will be impossible for our God.

"Well, I haven't seen God do impossible things for me yet," you might say. That's probably true if you are looking for the so called "lightning bolt-hair raising" type of miracle. Miracles can and do happen, but this is what I am continuing to learn, God often turns impossible into possible through his people.

I think most of us have those people in our lives who have an ability to help when help is needed, who innately know what needs to be done, who can calm us down or cheer us up when we need calming down or cheering up. But. sometimes we begin to depend on them to do for us what we deemed impossible to do for ourselves. They become our real life MacGyvers.

For me, this is where I can miss seeing God do his possible in the midst of my impossible. Those instances in which friends and family bless me with a gift card, an unexpected home repair, an invitation to lunch, a much needed ride, or a simple phone call are more than mere blessings. They are God changing my impossibles into his possibles. I truly believe this. Why? because in these situations only God could time everything so perfectly.

God knows exactly when to speak; the Spirit knows exactly when and how to move upon what he has heard. They are one, after all. And my friends and family, the people in my life, recognize the Spirit's voice and obey it. The results is perfect timing.

I guess my Discover Jesus Moment was two-fold. The first was when I realized that it is so easy to let people become the be-all-end-all in my life instead of recognizing it is really Jesus at work the whole time. Nothing is impossible with him. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

The second was when I was reminded once again the importance of really recognizing the Spirit's voice and obeying. It could be Jesus wanting me to play a part in making all things possible for someone else.

Who needs MacGyver when you have Jesus?

Lovin' it,  Jan

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