Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Thought From Today's Bible Study & Beyond

It has finally arrived--the first day of my writers class! I've learned two things already. First off, I love getting into my school clothes. Sweatshirt, jammie bottoms, and bare feet are all part of my back-to-school fashion statement for this class. Secondly, my California granddaughter suggested in a facebook post that I celebrate this big occasion with some ice cream. Duh! What was I ever thinking when I drove right through town an hour ago without stopping. Obviously, I wasn't thinking at all. Just so I don't forget to treat myself the next time I go to town, I am going to put a sticky note that reads "ICE CREAM" in the middle of my steering wheel. I glad I now have several days to decide what kind(s) of cold delight I want/desire/need.

So much for trivia.

Last Wednesday my church's Women's Bible study, Practically Speaking, started. It deals with the everyday in and outs, and ups and downs of living out our faith. Today we talked about the older women teaching the younger women. (Titus 2:1-15 & 2 Timothy 2:11-26) One of the points I really liked was made by a young mother who said that being invited to someone's home for coffee and seeing the gift of hospitality ministered with love, humility, and humor while the home and yard were in disarray spoke volumes to her. Their time together wasn't about nice furniture, lovely drapes, china cups, and weed-free flower beds. It was about relationship and conversation. What this young woman learned from an older woman wasn't taught in a class or small group, it was shown through thoughtful, Christlike actions. Good stuff!

Next week's lesson is sort of a continuation. It is called Living Beyond Yourself. Stay tuned, I might have something else to share.

After I sign off on this post, I am going to "hit the books" so to speak. My class assignment deals with free writing. Soooooo, for five minutes I have to write whatever pops into my mind. The idea is to not let my fingers stop typing during that entire time. If I have no idea what to write next, I write that I have no idea what to write next. I cannot correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, or anything else--I just write. When that is done, I have to spend one minute writing about whatever I am hearing or not hearing, then another minute about what I am seeing or have an awareness of. This should be an interesting exercise.

Since my mind is going around in circles with thoughts of missed ice cream, inviting women over for coffee, and analyzing the source of all the detritus (fancy word I've always wanted to use instead of debris) on the floor, I am really curious what I will end up writing. Who knows, I might get brave enough to reveal my jump down-turn around-pick a bale of cotton thinking to all of you. Get prepared.

Lord, I really don't care whether or not my thoughts make sense to a reader, just let them make sense to me. Amen.

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