Tuesday, September 3, 2013

God Knows

It is another McDonald morning. One sausage McMuffin with egg, no cheese and a small orange juice is what I ordered. I came into town early this morning just so Dracula at the lab could draw some blood (fasting blood, that is) for a Dr. appointment next week. So, here I now sit and wait for a specific store to open. I sit, and write, and wonder.

What am I wondering today? Well, first off I wonder about the three men working in the flowerbeds outside the window. Young men they are; and wielding rakes like I wield a vacuum cleaner. Under branches, around lighting fixtures, making patterns in the dirt where leaves and twigs once were. Then, when all was tidied up, they deposited the amassed clutter in their garbage can and left. They didn't talk while they were out there. They worked. But, who were they?What made them laugh? Did they cry? Did any delighted children yell "Daddy" when they walked in the door after work?

The rest of my wondering is about a group of young men in the corner booth. There are five of them, all different sizes and shapes, all busily engaged with their laptops, books, papers, and food. Students I think, students getting hyped up on second and third large cups of pop.

Here we all sit: the blond woman reading a book, the lady who keeps placing food on her teenage son's plate, the three women having a meeting, the table full of the usual old geezers passing the morning away over cups of coffee, and me--the grandma with her laptop, mouse, and cell phone.

It is in moments like that this that I am often amazed. All of us sitting here this morning are engrossed in our own thoughts and our own plans. Whether we are trying to guess where the author of our book is going with the story line, deciding what to fix for dinner, or adding an anecdote to a conversation, most of us are only superficially aware of our surroundings and the people we are with. But, God....But, God knows each and every person here in this place. He knows the depths of  our hearts. He knows the plans he has for us. He rejoices and mourns with us. He sings over us. Wow.

Heading out for the day knowing God is with me all the way,

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