Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Little To Do About Something

Headaches are no fun, especially when they hang around for several days. The one visiting me at the present time isn't vicious like some migraines I have had in the distant past.This one consists of some discomfort in my right temple, and my neck being a little tight, but nothing I can really classify as pain. I'm not even sure when it arrived--Monday afternoon I think it was. But now it is Wednesday. Ignoring it and calling it an annoyance is not working for me, so I have finally resorted to drug use, if you can call aspirin a drug.

Now, as I wait, I will write a post of some sort about something or other.

WOW!  A flock of at least twenty red-shafted flickers just flew into a tree outside my window. These medium sized birds are ground feeding woodpeckers. I love watching them probe my yard for whatever juicy morsels they can find, but I have never seen a large group before. There are usually only one or two at a time hanging out around here. That was awesome. Come on down, birdies, and dine on whatever ants, beetles and grubs my yard has to offer. Take all you want.

 Well, folks, an hour has passed and my headache is gone. During that time, I have been on the internet checking out flickers. I have seen their mating ritual and I heard their song. I've seen them fly, and rat-a-tat on metal roofs. I've watched them hollow out tree trunks for their nests and feed their young. God certainly created some beautiful, amazing, wonderful birds when he made flickers.

Also during the past hour, the blue, sunny sky has disappeared behind a cloud cover. The wind is picking up and the temperature is falling. I guess it is time to go out and finish mowing my yard while it is cool (60 degrees) and my headache is gone. I mowed the field half of my paradise on Monday.

That mowing job was quite the adventure--not because I was riding the mower, but because of all the animal scat around the yard. I have never seen so much. The deer scat was everywhere. That was to be expected because they love hanging out in the field, under the firs, and around the apple trees. But, there were numerous places where I mowed over "stuff" that was definitely not from the deer. I am more convinced than ever that bear have been visiting and helping themselves to my apples and blackberries.

Since I told the flickers they could have all the ants, beetles, and grubs they wanted, I certainly won't try to stop the bear from eating the smorgasbord my yard offers. I just don't want them pulling a reverse Goldilocks routine on me. No baby bears sleeping in my bed, please, even if it is just right as far as comfort goes.

God is so good. What started out as a so-so day, has ended up being a real blessing. That is the way God is--good and blessing richly.

Loving it,

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