Thursday, September 19, 2013

Surprised by Surprise

I am always surprised that life surprises me. Take yesterday for example. I completed the first lesson of my on-line writers class, then submitted my assignment which was a paragraph of introduction for the Discussion Room. That was easy enough. All that was left to do was read what other classmates had written about themselves and add comments if so desired. Fair enough.

The next hour sped by as I met complete strangers through their own words. I was taken by surprise as I discovered such a diverse mix. They are soccer moms, commuting dads, librarians, and public relations folks. They are lovers of books, words, nature, and people. They are busy, funny, anxious, questioning, and coming out of dark places. They are from dozens of states and several other countries. Although each one of us of is unique in our own way, we have one commonality, the desire to explore the world of writing and improve whatever skills we have.

I don't know why I was surprised by what I found in the Discussion Room. I think I expected us students to be just a handful of seeking people from the Pacific Northwest. But here is the curious thing. I was surprised about being surprised.

Surprise--to take unexpectedly, according to Webster. Yup. That is how God works in my life. I should know that whenever He opens a door, such as the one leading into this class, that whatever is on the other side will be unexpected. What He has in store for me is more that I can imagine. (Sort of sounds like Ephesians 3:20 doesn't it) So, as the next six weeks proceed, I really should expect  God to have surprises for me. Buuuuuuttt, if I expect the unexpected, is it still unexpected?

This kind of thinking is too complicated for my finite brain. I guess I will just have to venture on with my newly found friends on our trip through cyberspace while enjoying cups of virtual coffee  together. I'll celebrate the surprises when they come. And if they don't come? I'll be surprised.

Welcome aboard,

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