Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Fall Is A Comin'

Fall is trying to sneak up on me, but it isn't succeeding. One of autumn's first signs is ripening apples. I know my apples are ripening because the grand kids are picking them already. I also know they are ripening because the crows are having pecking parties in the branches. I wish they would peck away on the ones they have already caused to fall instead of the ones I want to pick.

I know fall is starting to move in because leaves are changing colors. Touches of yellows and browns are showing up in the shrubs and trees. Before we know what hit us, the color transformation will be complete and autumn will have arrived in all her glory. But for now, it is using the old stealth approach.

The saddest, sneakiest part of fall is DARKNESS. How long has it been too dark to mow at 8:30 pm? I could do it in July with no problem, but not last night. How long has it still been dark at 4:30 am? It was this morning. Fall almost pulled this one off, but I noticed. Darkness is moving in.

And then there are the mice and the spiders who think I installed a blinking neon sign that announces, "Open for Fall Arrivals!" Wrong. There is no such sign anywhere on my house or my property. I don't know what is giving them the idea they can search for crumbs on my counters or laze in my shower or stroll on the wall above my bed. Sorry, guys, you are not welcome. Just take yourselves back outside or I will do it for you.

So, bring bring it on, autumn. Bring on the ripe apples. Bring on the colored leaves. Bring on the darkness even if I don't particularly like it, but please, autumn, leave the critters outside.

Fall is a comin' and bringing all her splendor. I'm ready,

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