Saturday, September 14, 2013

Early Morning Reveille

Lord, why in the world was I awake at 4 o'clock this morning?

It isn't the waking up that bothers me, it is lying in bed and not falling back to sleep that I'm not too happy about. Is there something or someone I am supposed to pray about or for? Nothing is impressed on my mind. Am I supposed to get up and do something constructive like sweep a floor? I don't thiiiinnnk so.

Well, it is now 5:30. I've been up for half an hour and done some constructive chores like replacing the burned out light bulb in the lamp by my chair, putting away some towels I folded last night, and making my bed.

I may be up, but my weekend company is sleeping, so I will be as quiet as a little mouse and try to write this post. Even though my eyes are open and my brain functioning to some extent, my ten litte (little) fingers are still very much in sleepy-time mode when it comes to the art of fine motor skills. My laptop's backspace and delete keys have gotten a strenuous workout so far this morning. If I were to run around the room after every backspace or deletion, I would be gasping for breath and wiping sweat off my brow by now. (Pause for a moment of reflection) Not only would I be maxed out on my cardio/respiratory rates, I would still be typing the first paragraph.

I am also getting quite hungry. Not wanting my growling stomach to waken my guests, I will now sneak into the kitchen, grab a slice of cold pizza left over from last night's supper, and make my tuppy--oops, I mean timmy...(For crying out loud! I mean tummy.) I want to make my tummy happy. I want it to help me celebrate this still-dark morning while my brain and fingers slumber away.

Oh no! Either my growling stomach or snoring fingers have roused my son. He is now in the kitchen grinding up some coffee beans. Hooray for the soon-to-be-served beverage! I just hope he doesn't beat me to the pizza.

Now, it's time to get this day underway. Some home maintenance projects are on the agenda as is a cross country meet and yard work. Before getting started, we will toast up a couple bagels, spread on some cream cheese, top with sliced ham, and wash them down with some coffee, orange juice and conversation.

Thank you, Lord, for this promise-filled day. I ask for safe travel for my son as he goes to town for building supplies, for safety when my daughter-in-law and I  tackle projects in the yard and the house, and for a successful cross country meet. May all the meet helpers remember to show up at the school, may all the runners perform to the best of their abilities, and may the mosquitoes stay away. 

I still don't know why I was awake at 4 a.m., Lord, but now it is almost 8 and I am ready to go back to sleep while all is quiet. Please let me get a little more rest. 


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