Monday, September 2, 2013

I Wonder

Have any of you ever wondered what heaven looks like or sounds like? I don't mean figuring out the description of the throne room from Revelation. I guess what I really mean is what are the sights and sounds of  not only heaven, but also the new earth. I often wonder about things like that.

I wonder especially during the times I read about the deep rumbling sound elephants make--sounds that carry for miles, yet are inaudible to the human ear. Then there are times I think about dog whistles that are so high pitched our ears can't hear them, It is in those times that I wonder when we are no longer confined by our human bodies if we will hear all sounds made by vibrations of any kind. If there are earthworms, will we hear them tunneling? If there are roses, will we hear them gently opening their petals? Will we hear the groaning of tree roots pushing against boulders? Will we hear atoms of oxygen colliding with atoms of hydrogen, helium, carbon, nitrogen and any other atom or molecule they might encounter? Will we hear the universe at work, or is that something only God can do?

That isn't all I wonder about. What about our eyes? Will new eyes see the now-invisible light spectrum? Are there colors we have never before experienced here on earth that are awaiting us in heaven? I wonder at times about things like this.

And then I wonder what it would be like to not only swim underwater, but to also breathe underwater. And to flit and hover like a hummingbird, dive like a hawk, glide like a swan, or soar like an eagle, what would that be like? Will those abilities remain for fish and birds only, or will we, once rid of human bodies, experience such wondrous things ourselves?

It doesn't really matter, though. Once in the presence of the most high God, all wondering about "will we" will cease. Awe and praise and thanksgiving will take over as our voices join with all the others in a resounding Alleluia.

In the mean time, instead of wondering what heaven will be like, I need to discover what is going on in front of my very nose. What sunsets have gone unnoticed? What beautiful, yet lonely faces have been ignored? What laughter of children or buzzing of bees has been unheard?

Instead of wondering if I will be able to hears certain sounds in heaven that I can't hear on earth,  I should be wondering if I can hear unspoken cries of pain, loneliness, or despair by truly looking into the faces or watching the body language of people I meet. In other words, can I hear with my heart what they say with their faces and bodies? That is what I should wonder and seek to discover.

Lord, help me discover the wonders of your "here and now" on earth instead of wondering about the "there and then" of heaven. 


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