Monday, March 31, 2014

A Pot of Spaghetti

I love spending Sunday mornings singing to the Glory of God with a congregation of believers. I find it refreshing, uplifting, and renewing. Here is what I mean. Getting my mind off the mundane thoughts that fill my head most of the time and onto an all-powerful, all-loving God who gives me all I need (including strength) and adores me (even when I goof up) boggles my mind and fills me to the brim with thankfulness, amazement, joy, and ... . I really can't explain what I feel. But to me, I love (more than really, really, really like) knowing someone bigger than I, stronger than I, and more loving than I cares about me.

Yes, worship was excellent, but so was the rest of the service. We baptized four adults and one young girl. We prayed for a young woman who is heading off for Y.W.A.M. training. (Youth With A Mission). And we heard the conclusion of Pastor's sermon on the principle of tithing and generosity. I came home feeling very blessed and thankful.

As so often happens, the Lord reminded me of his faithfulness to our family over the years, especially financially. I went back forty years to a little town in central Washington where we lived on the edge of a park. Our three children were small, pay day was several days away, and the cupboard was bare. "Lord, please increase this dab of peanut butter to cover these slices of bread." was hardly off my lips when the doorbell rang. There stood my across-the-park neighbor with a big covered casserole in her hand.

"Could you use a pot of spaghetti?" she asked. "Our dinner guests had sick kids and had to cancelled at the last minute." I was almost too stunned to say thank you. But I finally got the words out as I took the dish from her. She then smiled and said, "Enjoy!"

As I stood in my doorway watching her traipse back across the park, I realized she and her spaghetti had been on their way to our home before I had even finished praying. Matthew 6:8 is so true, "Your father in heaven knows your needs even before you ask."

As that memory from so long ago flooded my mind, my concerns about the little things of every day living fled. My heavenly father is so good and faithful.

On the way to church, he even parted the clouds and let a little sunshine splash out.

Living today in gratitude, praise, and sunshine.

Jan and Licorice Kitty

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