Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Speak Blessing, Speak Life

I just finished reading "Love Says Go" by Jason Chin this morning. So much of it brought conviction, yet blessing. I have a real challenge ahead of me, but I sort of started reaching out this morning. Jason stresses seeing through the dirt in people's lives, focusing on the gold God has placed there, and loving them by speaking blessing and life to them. Them, as in complete strangers That is who he is talking about.

Here is what happened to me this morning. I was just finishing up washing my car windows at the gas station when a guy at another pump said, "Excuse me, ma'am. The lady at our motel told us about a great place to eat breakfast, but I forgot what she told me. Do you have any idea where that might be?"

I thought a moment, then proceeded to give him directions to a nearby little cafe that sounded like the same place the motel had recommended. Before I left the station, I checked out the address for the restaurant in the phone book I keep in my car, told him what it was, and took a quick peek at their license plate. They were from California. I asked where they were from and where they were headed. As we stood there exchanging pleasantries and getting lightly misted in the process, I wished them well with these words, "As you explore the Olympics and experience our abundance of rain, keep in mind that the rain around here is like God's blessings--it just keeps coming and coming. Have a wonderfully blessed trip." With that I left and headed for my Dr. appointment.

Well, my appointment had been changed, and I had neglected to erase today's visit from my cell phone calendar when I added the new one. So what did I do next? I went out to breakfast at the place I had recommended to the California couple.

There they were, enjoying a huge breakfast. As soon as I walk in they recognized me and told the waitress I was the one they had just told her about. Anyway, I ordered my breakfast, talked to the couple a little bit, and showed them my photos of the elk herd in my back yard in case they didn't see any on their trip around the peninsula.

After they had finished their meal and paid, the gentleman came over to my table and said something to this effect, "When you mentioned the rain coming like God's blessings, I could feel your love. I really believe that that blessing will continue with us on our trip. Thank you."

Wow, or as Jason says, "BAM!" I merely spoke words of blessing and life. Holy Spirit did the rest. Thank you, Jesus.

So simple, yet so profound.

Jan and Licorice Kitty

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