Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Rainy Wednesday

Alright, I think I am ready to write something. Monday's luncheon has been prepared, eaten, and cleaned up after. My research paper has been presented.Tuesday and Wednesday morning commitments are fulfilled, and now I am wrapped up in a flannel blanket while wearing a fuzzy bathrobe and debating whether or not to turn up the heat, turn on the gas fireplace, or tough it out. The thermostat for the hear-pump is set for 70 degrees; the thermometer by my chair says 64; but it feels like 60. Maybe putting stockings on my bare feet will help.

Have you ever seen a cocoon with my laptop on its lap? That is me--a lap-topped cocoon with ears full of  pouring rain sounds. It has been pouring all afternoon, and is supposed to get worse as night comes--two to four inches the experts say. I think at least an inch has already arrived. My rain gutters have had trouble keeping up with the roof runoff.

I should have expected this weather no matter what the meteorologists had to say. I should have expected it not because spring is in the air, but because high school track practice started yesterday. As we parents and grandparents of track athletes say, "If it ain't rainin' it ain't track season."

(Excuse my English or lack of it. I usually cringe at the use of ain't, but it was the most fitting word at this moment in time. Tomorrow I will probably cringe; today I won't)

Some practices and meets are so bad that SCUBA gear is needed for participants and spectators alike! (Maybe I should write a poem for the team about training with tanks on their backs and fins on their feet. Oh my, I make myself laugh.)

In closing, my feet are warm and I am quite comfortable now. So I will continue to sit here after I finish this post, pull out a good book, kick back in my chair, and enjoy what is left of the day. If I start seeing animals coming by two-by-two, I'm out of here and looking for an ark.

Enjoying the rain,
Jan and Licorice Kitty (who refuses to go out in the downpour)

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