Thursday, March 20, 2014


"God continues to interrupt the ordinary with Glory"
Beth Moore 

I love this quote! It is a perfect example of the way God works. That is what he did for the shepherds watching their flocks on a Bethlehem hillside (1). That is what he did for Zacchaeus who climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Jesus pass by (2). Over and over again ordinary people living ordinary lives and doing ordinary things encountered holiness up close and personal. Sometimes that holiness was an angel (3), and once it was the voice of God calling from a burning bush (4). Another time it was a man from Nazareth applying mud to the eyes of a blind man (5), and during yet another, tongues of flames dancing on the heads of people gathered for the day of Pentecost (6)

As you know, I am not a theologian, so my idea of Glory and their's are probably miles apart; however, I feel there is no mystical formula to solve before we can experience Glory. We don't have to do or say anything special before it manifests itself. There is no hocus-pocus or abracadabra. It happens when a Loving God reveals his presence, and we stand speechless and amazed. I think it is his way of saying, "I love you."

God interrupted my ordinary with Glory the day I came home from a week visiting my dad and sister to find that my yard and small field had been mowed, flowerbeds cleaned, and weeds whacked by a local church's youth group. It was hard for me to believe my eyes. I beheld Glory.

No, my place didn't radiate light; there weren't visible angles camped around it; and Jesus wasn't sitting on my front porch.There was only me having my ordinary day interrupted by Glory as God whispered in his still, small voice, "This is my gift to you, Jan, to remind you that I love you, and that I know all your needs before you ask (7). Be blessed, my child." For me, that was Glory.

I also experience God's Glory in a softly colored morning sky and blazing sunset, in the yellow daffodil and new-born fawn, in the phone call from a friend and the smile of a child. Each one interrupts my ordinary with God's presence reminding me, "Enjoy all I have placed before you as a token of my love. My Son died not only that you come to heaven, but also that heaven may come to you."

May our days be interrupted by Him,

  1. Matthew 2:9
  2. Luke 19: 1-6
  3. Luke 1:21-38
  4. Exodus 3:1-6
  5. John 9
  6. Acts 2:1-4
  7. Matthew 6:8

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