Monday, March 17, 2014

I Can Apply, Yes, I Can Do This.

A couple days ago I read about a program Amtrak is doing this year. It is a Writers' Residency program. Twenty-four writers will be provided complete accommodations (including bed, desk and outlets) for a 2-5 day round trip train trek so that the writers can work on projects of their choosing, whether those in progress or something new. The destination and dates will be determined by Amtrak. They want to provide an opportunity for writers to write without the usual interruptions of the day-to-day world. Oh how I would love to do that.

There is one main problem, though. The company is looking for not only writing skills, but also for social media involvement. I'm sure they anticipate the chosen ones will share with all their thousands of followers. Well, I don't have a Twitter account, and I don't have an Insta-gram account. I have only Facebook. But then, I do have this blog which should count for something.

One part of the application involves telling why I want the opportunity to write on the train (not as in graffiti), and what the experience will do for my writing. Another part is submitting an example of my work. Those two sections I can easily do. I am thinking about submitting my post from last July about dreaming of a cross-country train trip so I could write.

Since my son-in-law and oldest granddaughter have been encouraging me to get a Twitter account, I should ask them how to go about that. As for Insta-gram, I'm not even sure what that is. I will ask one of the grand-kids. They know the social media world extremely well.

Right now, my negative, uncertain self says, No Twitter, no chance. It also says, Meals not provided? too expensive; however, my faith side says, This is a desire of my heart. If I don't apply, how can the Lord fill that desire. If he fills my desire, he will help me open my purse.

I need to listen to my faith side, and mute the rest.

So, this week I will muster all the strength I have, and conquer my silly fears of Twitter and Insta-gram by signing up. (Note to self: It's not my strength, but His) Then I will encourage my Facebook, blog, and other tech-savvy friends to follow me on my 'I think I can, I think I can' adventure. While all that is happening, I can fill out and submit the application that is due by the 31st, AND PRAY. I could be selected. I could. How exciting that would be.

If that doesn't happen, the Lord has something even better in store.

Tweet, tweet, tweet. There, I have sent my first ones--tweets that is. And I don't even have an account.

"Whatever this is about, Lord, help me move forward."

Jan and Licorice Kitty

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