Monday, May 28, 2012

Alliteration in "L"

A couple of my grandchildren helped me with some cleaning this morning. In the midst of the project, I came across a carton lid with various papers thrown in it. One of the first papers was one I had written for therapy on July 10, 2010.  I was so excited to find it because I thought it was lost forever when my computer crashed a few weeks ago.

My therapist had asked me, "What have you lost as a result of your husbands actions?"  At this point in my life, I couldn't think of any specific losses.  All I knew was sadness, but it was not as bad as it had been.  Thinking about loss led to the word "larceny".  Because I love alliteration, I wrote the following.

Larceny or Love--Loss or Life.

At morning's light I stood listlessly by the open door looking and listening.
I longed to hear the lilting song of the lark and the laughter of little ones.
Alas, my hearing had left long ago.

I lifted my lidded eyes, longing to see the leafing larch, the lofty mountains, the lazy lane.
Lo, even life itself.
Alas, my sight had left also.

My looking, my listening became lost in the labyrinth of my loneliness.
The lilt, the laughter, the lavishness of life I longed for was laced with cries of "Larceny!"
I languished in my loss.

"Larceny and loss" cried the depth of my heart, but
"Life and love" whispered the desire of my soul.

At long last the day grew late, lantern's light lowered, last-light had come.
I longed for sleep, but as I lay abed, with eyelids closed 
the perfume of lavender lingered outside my louvered windows.

Morn's early light leaked through my windows as another day dawned.
Rain laden skies wept from above as I wept within.
I lifted my lashes with longing--longing for my lament of "larceny and loss" 
to change to a laughing, lilting, lusty cry of "life and love."

I looked and listened longingly for love and life to finally reappear.

"Listen, listen my love" my Lord said.
I listened. I heard little, but yes, at last I did hear something.
I heard the muted lilt of the lark, the muted laughter of little ones


"Look, look my love" my Lord said.

I looked. I saw little, but at last I did see something.
I saw, though dimly, the leafing larch, the lofty mountains, the lazy lane.


The fulfillment of my longings now looms on the horizon.
Loss will soon lose its allure.
The lock on my heart, my very life, will soon loosen.
A new, luxurious luster will soon light up not only the corners of my soul,
but also of my very heart as well.

I leap for joy as I celebrate a coming liberation.
So long, larceny and loss!

"Rejoice, my lady
Live and Love."

"Thank you, Lord."

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