Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What in the World?

Memorial Day Weekend was a busy time for me. I spent Friday and Saturday at the State Track Meet sitting on hard, cold, metal bleachers in the wind and the sun.  I did have a cushion which helped my sitter and a hooded sweatshirt that helped block the wind, so I was comfortable.  The days were well spent and exciting with good company, food and accomodations, but the travel time was long.

Sunday continued where Saturday left off--busy. Multigrain oatmeal with raisins and walnuts washed down with a great cup of coffee tasted especially good when shared with my son and his wife as we sat in the living room before getting ready for church.  I even had some left over for another day's breakfast. That is always a bonus. Morning and evening worship services were wonderful as usual. The entire family shared a delicious mid-afternoon meal of lasagna, green salad, french bread, and fresh rhubarb-strawberry.  Yummy. Then, everyone helped out with the clean up.

To cap off the weekend, a couple grand-kids stayed overnight Sunday to help me on a cleaning project for Monday.We accomplished much. The entire weekend was fun, but by Monday night I was very tired.

 In fact, by Monday evening I was so tired I ate some cold, left over lasagna, put on my pajamas, brushed my teeth, and settled into my bedroom chair for the evening.  My plan was to finish my book. That was all I was going to do. Ha, that was a laugh.  I kept dozing off between paragraphs. After checking out the clock and discovering it was only 5:30 pm and too early for bed, I decided to take a little nap then finish my book. So I put my head on my pillow, covered up with my comforter and immediately fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up I was completely refreshed and ready to start my day. I hadn't slept that well for ages. Checking out the grayness of sky I decided it would probably rain pretty soon.  Checking out the clock I was amazed I had slept until 8:00. I never sleep in that late. After getting dressed, I headed to the kitchen, heated up the left over oatmeal for my breakfast, but skipped the coffee. I was excited about starting my day.

With breakfast out of the way I decided to write my blog. I needed to turn on a light in the living room to see my keyboard better. That is a given on dark cloudy days like that. By the darkness of the sky I knew it would be raining soon. Then I settled in to write, rewrite, and write some more. Finally, after complete and total concentration, I was finished. The clock read 10:00. I posted what I had written and decided to see if the mail had arrived.

I had barely thought about getting the mail when I looked toward the window to see if I would need my hooded coat to go outside.  WHAT IN THE WORLD?  It was pitch black outside.  DUH! It wasn't 10:00 am as I thought.  It was 10:00 pm.  I cracked up laughing at myself. How crazy was this? My sleep hadn't been a wonderful 12+ hours. It had been only a few hours, but it was sure good.

What does one call an additional "day" that isn't an additional day at all?  Was it Monuesday or Tuemonday?  Whatever it was, it was good and a blessing. I got my blog written. That was a blessing.  I was able to read some more of my book. That was good. Then around 11 pm I went to bed and slept 6 more hours. That was great and a blessing. I must have really, really needed the sleep.

What I didn't need was the second breakfast of oatmeal.

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