Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mothers Day--God Day

My new computer still hasn't come.  When I heard the UPS truck coming this morning I gave a shout to myself which quickly turned to a groan as it zipped on down the road.  "Maybe, just maybe it will stop on its way back."  Alas, no such luck.  No computer today. So sad, but at least I still can use my son's computer.

Mothers day has come and gone and I am still wondering about it all.  I was truly blessed by my family.  Friday and Saturday were spent on the coast with a daughter-in-law and her mother.  The weather was gorgeous, the town was jumping with families and their dogs, and my company was great.  We three women had fun walking, talking, shopping, eating, laughing, and enjoying ourselves while watching the rest of the people enjoy themselves.  If that was all I had for Mothers day, it would been more than enough.  But, there was more.

Bright and early Sunday morning I began receiving Mothers day wishes from out-of-town family members.   If that was all I had for Mothers day, it would been more than enough. But, there was more.

Sunday morning worship was very uplifting.  The Lord was definitely present.  If that was all I had for Mothers day, it would been more than enough. But, there was more.

 He was also present the rest of the day too.  I ate pizza and salad with my family while we sat in the sun and visited.  The kids played. We all marveled at the wonderful weather.  God is so good.  If that was all I had for Mothers day, it would have been more than enough. There was more.

It is so easy to celebrate the day with family, eat good food, receive presents, give hugs, and not even experience the Lord in it.  That has been my usual behavior anyway. Don't get me wrong, I am extremely thankful for my family and their thoughtfulness, but I usually see my days as mere passing hours, not as continual blessings from above. But this year I kept asking myself, "What is God doing right now?  Is he greatly pleased by what he is seeing and hearing?  Is he being honored and glorified?"

Soon after I arrived at the celebration I was told a wonderful story of God mysteriously working through one person to bless another. That was followed by a second story.  Part of my family had been touched and blessed as a result of doing what they felt was right to do. They had no idea at the time that God would use them in a mighy way to bless the lives of another family.  Was God pleased?  Was he honored and glorified?  Absolutely.  Both stories were about Him and His working, and not about the one relating the incidents.  Praise God.

I think God was also pleased as everyone worked together to get lunch ready, then gave Him thanks.

I think he celebrated with the kids as they ran, yelled, blew bubbles, sprayed water, laughed, and exclaimed, "I love this weather."

I think he pulled up a heavenly camp chair next to ours and enjoyed our conversations about school, sports, vacations, and life in general. It was good.

Yes, if I had only gone to the coast with my daughter-in-law and her mom, it would have been enough.  If I had only gone to church and been blessed by worship, it would have been enough.  If I had only spent the afternoon enjoying my family, it would have been enough.  But God wanted it to be more.  He wanted me to know that he, too, was blessed by the day. 

I often sign letters, "Have a God day."  That is what I did on Sunday.  I had a God day.  Today is truly a God day too. He encouraged me as I pulled weeds.  He steadied my ladder as I washed a couple windows, and He put his feet up on the coffee table with me as we ate lunch.  And, He is helping me write this blog.  I wish He would do the actual typing because I keep making typos.  Oh well, some things I have to do by myself with His encouragement.

May this be another God day for you too.

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