Friday, May 18, 2012

Not Just "Good Enough", but Perfectly

Now that I am leaving for an overnight stay at the beach for a banquet and an luncheon, my new computer will probably arrive and I won't be home to sign for it.  Oh well, God's timing is always perfect.. 

I was thinking along those very lines as I was driving over to my son's house to use his computer a few minutes ago.  While driving, I was going over my mental list of what I had to do to get ready as well as my list of what to bring. I wanted to be sure I didn't overlook anything. I packed the clothes I needed for both events.  I packed my curling iron and blow dryer, my makeup, my pills, and, oh yes, my comb and brush along with my hairspray.  I washed up my breakfast dishes, emptied the garbage, and cleaned out the car a little bit since a friend is riding with me. I straightened up my front porch because I had been planting my flower boxes and had made a mess.  I put everything into the car and went back into the house to get my coffee which was already cold.  It's a good thing I like cold coffee.  I was now good to go.

I must admit, though, that I didn't do everything the way I could have or should have.  Several things I did just "good enough" to get by.  I cleaned out the car a little.  I did not go to the trouble to find the extension cord for the shop vac so I could vacuum out the pine needles.  I did pick quite a few out of the carpet on the passenger side, but the driver side still resembles the forest floor. It was good enough.  I straightened up the porch, but I didn't put the bag of potting soil into the garage.  It is still on the porch--good enough until I get back. About the dishes, I did wash them, but they are sitting in a dish drainer on the counter.  I'll put them away when I get home tomorrow.  Who will know or care anyway?  It was good enough for me.

While mentally checking off my list, my mind started going strange places and landed on what God's check list must have looked like to get ready for Christ's birth. Can you imagine all the prophecy that had to be spoken, written and fulfilled?  That was no easy task, especially working with stiff necked people. Think of the fact that Greek had become the language of the people in the entire Mediterranean world.  The Good News could be written and spoken in a common tongue world wide.  How long did that take? What about the road system built by the Romans so their armies could travel quickly and so could those spreading the Good News.

And what was that census all about anyway--each to his own village of origin. This meant that Joseph and Mary had to go to Bethlehem at a very inconvenient time for Mary, oh well. They had to go to the City of David where a beloved shepherd boy came from so Mary could give birth to the Lord, who is our Shepherd. They had to go where the Lamb of God just "happened" to be born in a stable close to where the sacrificial temple  sheep were probably pastured. They had to go to the city of  beloved king David, the man after God's own heart, to deliver the Mighty King, who would in turn deliver all mankind. Talk about planning!

The list goes on and on including the cry of the people of Israel for a new king.  Herod's reign was horrendous. The people wanted him gone. It was time for the promised and long awaited Messiah to deliver them.

God's check list was long and complete. Nothing was overlooked.  Nothing was omitted, nothing was forgotten, and most importantly, nothing was done just "good enough".  All was done perfectly until it was finally the fullness of time, that perfect time--not a moment too late nor a moment too soon. God's time.   

I guess that is why it gets easier for me to wait for answered prayers.  I truly believe God is working on them all to bring about what is best for me. When I wonder what is taking so long, I have to remember that God is working out the details to perfection as well as the timing. That sometimes takes awhile.  It's always worth the wait, though. Aren't we glad?


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