Sunday, May 6, 2012

Beautiful Day and Dead Laptop

What a beautiful day!  Finally!  Well, that is not exactly accurate.  Every day with the Lord is a beautiful day, isn't it?  Today is just special to us living here in the Pacific Northwest because the sun is shining. So far this year we have had over 40 inches of rain.  Enough already. I'm lovin' this sun.

On rainy days I occasionally complain about the weather, then remind myself that I need to change my point of view.  Years ago, after one of our winters when it rained for weeks on end I thought, "What a wonderful example of God's blessings.  They just keep coming and coming whether we expect them or not.  God just keeps pouring them upon us."  But aren't there are those days when we really don't appreciate what we are receiving.  We gripe and complain in our circumstances instead of seeing our blessings. With that in mind, if I truly count my blessings every time it rains here, His praise will continually be in my mouth.

As I said in the beginning, it is sunny today.  So, I will praise him in the sunshine too.


My laptop crashed Friday night!  So sad it is. Does one pray for circuitry and computer chips? Yep, I did, sort of. "Lord, no! What is this all about? I'm turning it off and turning it on again.  Please let it work."  It didn't.

I've never had a computer crash before. That's why I posted nothing yesterday. Tomorrow I will take the poor thing to the hospital for triage.  Hopefully it is nothing terminal, maybe just a quick debug with do the trick. So today, I am writing this on my son's computer. Because of my computer's down-and-outness, there is a possibility I will not be able to write everyday, but I will try.

Whosever has sunshine,let him praise the Lord.  Whosoever had rain, let him praise the Lord.  Whosoever has weather, let him praise the Lord.  Amen

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