Friday, July 6, 2012

Daily Decisions

Decisions, decisions, decisions.  What do I want for breakfast?  Do I wear sandals or tenny runners, shirts with long sleeves or short? Do I fold clothes first or do my cleaning (Fly Lady's suggestion for the day is dust the ceiling fans and remove cobwebs from the corners of the dining room). Do I weed-eat or mow, pull weeds or cut down 5' ferns?  Do I write for the blog now or later?

I have made some decisions already. I had a mushroom, broccoli, red pepper omelet for breakfast as well as coffee and a V8 (low sodium) . I'm wearing sandals because I was too lazy to put on other shoes, but will have to change when I go out to work in the yard--that shoe decision probably wasn't the best. And I am writing at this very minute--writing about making decisions while I make decisions. If I wait until later to write, I might forget that I made the decision to wait to write, thereby not writing at all.

So here I sit and write while my clothes are piled in the middle of the bed (which, by the way, is made) and the dust continues to decorate the top of my ceiling fan blades. My weed eater is in its usual place--charging up in the corner of the entryway, and my mower is waiting at the starting gate, ready to charge out as soon as the garage door is opened. My stylish, green, garden-tool bag filled with a pruner, spade, dandelion digger, hand rake, holey gloves, and baseball cap sits next to the weed eater and is ready for some fresh air. 

Now for more decisions.  In what order do I tackle these projects?  How do I prioritize them, by length of time to complete or by urgency? By complexity or by ease? By inside or outside? By...(tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock. I'm thinking, I'm thinking!  OK?) by visibility or by "who-cares or even notices"? 

Tada! My decisions have been reached, and you are the first to know. Inside tasks will be first, so I will fold the clothes and put them away because I don't want them getting more wrinkled than they might be already. Forget about dusting the fan blades and chasing away cobwebs in the dining room.  Who sees them anyway. Then I will put on my tennis shoes and head outside with the weed-eater. Mowing is actually my first priority outside because it is the most visible to anyone driving down our country lane. (It's actually a road, but lane sounds more romantic)  My yard and field are rapidly becoming unsightly. If I put off mowing much longer, my neighbors will have to close their eyes when they drive by.  Well, not really, but almost. They will be fine as long as they keep their sun glasses on. 

Now, before I mow, I will have to weed-eat around the fence and trees by the road.  That could take over an hour.  Thankfully, the charge on the weed-eater lasts only 15-20 minutes.  About the  mowing, if I bag all the clippings, it will take at least 3 hours. Thankfully, my son-in-law is having his neighbor fix the bagger and it won't be done for at least a week.  So, all this means that I can do the weed eating and mowing in about 2 1/2 hours.  Then, my place will look real nice. As for the weeds and gigantic ferns?  Most of those can't be seen from the lane/road anyway. See, Jones's, I can keep up. 

Well there you have it from here.  Thank you for giving me the opportunity to make my decisions about my day's work right here before your very eyes.  So I'm off to fold the clothes, but should probably eat some lunch first.  Let's see, do I want a green salad with tuna or a ham/lettuce wrap with green peppers?  Decisions, decisions, decisions. 

Notice I have not even prayed about these so-called mundane, everyday, live-my-life decisions.  The Lord might have had something entirely different in mind for me today, but I had other plans. Ooops.  

"Lord, if I have goofed up big-time with all my decisions, do what ever you have to do to get my attention.  My plans are never in concrete and seldom have to be done when I have planned them. Your plans for me are so much more important. Help me be your servant."

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