Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Morning's "Thank you, Lord"

There he sat all bright eyed and bushy tailed on top of a post on my front porch when I first looked outside this morning. An adorable little fellow he was. After seeing me in the window, that little chipmunk scurried down the post and, in a blink of an eye, was off into a world overgrown with ferns, heather, hens-and-chicks, shrubs, and weeds--an untended world that is my flowerbed, and as wild as he. I have no idea where he came from or where he ultimately went. All I know is he lives around here somewhere and gave me the thrill of seeing his visit.

Those few seconds of time resulted in my first, "Thank you, Lord" for the day.

The second, "Thank you, Lord" came about an hour later when I finally ate breakfast. It was nothing fancy, but took time to prepare because I am trying to eat more healthily.  For my spinach frittata and fresh salsa I had to chop onions, garlic, tomatoes, cilantro, and thaw the frozen spinach,.  I had to separate three eggs, then whip the whites with two whole eggs, and finally grate some mozzarella cheese. Oh yes, I had to preheat the oven and saute the onions and garlic. After all the prep work was done, I had to clean up my big mess.  Finally, I opened the oven door and swooned at the sight of that frittata.  It looked heavenly. Half of it went on my plate to be topped with the fresh salsa.  As I inhaled deeply, savoring the aromas, I said, "Thank you, Lord".  I thanked him not only for his provision, but also for the senses he has given me--the ability to see, smell, and taste.  I hadn't even tasted it yet, but I knew it was going to be good.  It was.  I'm already looking forward to eating the rest of it tomorrow. 

That's my third thank you of the day, "Thank you, Lord that I don't have to cook breakfast Wednesday."

What will my fourth "thank you" be?


1:30 PM  "Thank you, Lord".  I just glanced out my dining room window and gazed upon a beautiful young buck.  His two little horns were still in the velvet.  He looked up from eating my dandelion flowers and blinked his big brown eyes at me. Then he flicked his ever-alert ears, licked his itchy flank, gave his black tail a little flip, and hopped away into the trees at the edge of my lawn. As my grand kids would say, "How awesome is that?" 

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