Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Dog Tale

A couple years ago each of my kids had different plans for the 4th of July. Two of my kids live within ten miles of me and the other one lives a couple hours away. One family was staying home.  One was going to an in-law's home in another town, and I planned on going out of town to my son's home to celebrate. I drove up to their house on the 4th and came home on the 5th. When I returned and pulled into my drive that morning, I was greeted by one of my kid's dog.  She was muddy and extremely happy to see me. I was confused.

Where had she come from?  She lives several miles away from me and had been here only a couple times in the car. Had her family left her off when they left town and assumed I was home? I didn't think so.  I had never kept the dog at my house before. Had they stopped by with the dog, she had gotten out, and didn't return when they called her? Possibly, but not likely.  Then, what in the world was she doing here and how did she get here?

These questions began being answered when a couple fireworks went off close by.  The poor dog freaked out and tried to get into the house.  Ah ha.  The dog had been home alone and was frightened by the ear-splitting explosions shaking her area.  I felt so bad for her.  But, how did she get to my house?  As I looked at the muddy dog, I began to understand.  She had swum the river at low tide! I was amazed.

I was even more amazed later that summer when my kids left on vacation.  The dog was to remain at home and I would go ever every day to make sure she had food and water, pet her, throw her tennis ball for her to retrieve, and just keep her company for awhile. Right.  The first day went as planned, but when I got up on that second day and stepped outside to enjoy the fresh air, I was met by one wet dog--not muddy, just wet and so very happy to see me. That was not to be the last time  I would find a dog on my door steps.

Now, when my kids are going to be gone for more that a couple days, I go get the dog and bring her over.  She is well mannered and good company, so I don't mind having her around.  Well, last weekend they were again gone.  It was just for overnight.  I was gone also.  In fact, we were all at the same place--my grandson's wedding.  On my trip home I was accompanied by a granddaughter.  As we got close to home I suddenly thought, "I wonder if I have a dog at my house?" Instead of taking my young passenger directly home, I went by my house first.  You guessed it, there was one  special dog, jumping around, wagging her tail, and excited for me to be home.  

Why am I telling you all this?  Here is why.  As I lay in bed last night, I heard some fireworks being set off and immediately thought of the dog and the fear that sent her to the safety of my home that first time.  I then thought of the other times she made that trip, the times she was alone and wanted company. A smile came across my lips as I remembered those time in my own life when I was afraid or lonely.  What did I do? I sometimes lost sleep or cried. I sometimes refused to think about the situation and kept my mind or body busy.  I did so many other things before I finally did what I should have instinctively done, seek out the one place I knew I would be comforted, protected, and reassured--the arms of my Lord. 

I can learn so much from that smart, lovable dog who knows exactly where to go in her times of need.  Thanks, pooch.

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