Sunday, July 22, 2012

Three Weddings in a Month?

Three weddings in a month's time!  What's up with this?  Three little boys who used to run around playing every game imaginable with their cousins during family reunions and school breaks are now entering a whole new "game" in life with brand new team mates. Two of these amazing young man are my grandsons.  The third one is my sister's grandson.

I say "amazing"  because each one of these Christian men is considerate, polite, motivated, honest, loving, and, as a bonus, quite charming and handsome--not that I'm biased or anything.  What has been so fun in this whole engagement/marriage adventure is seeing answer to prayers.

From the time each boy was born, parents and grandparents prayed for his future wife and help-mate.  Finally, after twenty plus years, God's answer has been revealed in three beautiful, loving, Christian, young women.  Both woman in my grandsons' lives love family get-togethers, and so do my grandsons. They each have been involved with church ministries of some sort, and so have my grandsons. Each has an entirely different personality, but so do my grandsons.  I love both these gals who God raised up for my grandsons. They have been "family" from the first moment we all met them.

As for my grand-nephew's bride, I met her only two weeks ago at my first grandson's wedding, and was instantly aware of a gentleness and sweetness about her that was not because of any shyness. I believe that is just who she is. Yesterday, this young couple was pronounced husband and wife in a beautiful wedding ceremony an a gorgeous sun filled day. 

As I have already said, each woman is beautiful. But more important than their obvious outer beauty is an unassuming beauty each woman possesses. The most masterfully applied make-up cannot begin to produce the beauty and glow that comes from within a woman of God.  

As a result of these past weeks of hustle, bustle, and weekend road trips, I have become more and more aware of  God's answers to our prayers. I have become more and more aware of the faithfulness and obedience of these young couples as they sought and followed guidance from above and beyond that of men. They listened to the Lord of their lives. I am so thankful.

Two weddings down, one to go. Final touches are being put on programs, decorations, rehearsal dinners, the bride's "something borrowed", etc.  Then, in two short weeks, my second grandson well be a married man.  Unbelievable.

It seems like only yesterday I sat in my parent's yard with my brothers and sister watching our children and their cousins play.  Then in a wink and a blink, my grown children and their grown cousins were sitting in my parent's yard watching their children play the same games they had played.  I know it is now only a wink and blink until my just-married grand kids will be sitting in the yard with their just-married cousins watching their little ones toddle around.  Life goes on, and we will all be praying for the spouses of another generation of kids, prayers that he has already answered.

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