Thursday, July 12, 2012

One of Those Days

Oh, no!  I'm afraid it's going to be one of those days today. Let me explain.  It is eight A.M. I've made a to-do list and checked off: get dressed, fix my hair, make my bed, and clean the bathroom. I also listened to the local news, so I added it to the list just so I can check it off. I have checked these off  also: eat breakfast (mushroom-green pepper omelet, V8 juice, cheese stick, and coffee), wash, dry and put away breakfast dishes.  I've checked out face book, my email, Bibi the Parrot, and the Big Fish game of the day, and checked those off. Here is what remains: write blog,eat lunch, clean top of my fridge, cut back blackberry vines, and cut down the ferns by my front door. This evening I will go to my son's house for a barbecue they are having for a group from church. That is my day on paper.

On paper it looks very productive.  But here is why I said, "Oh, no!  I'm afraid it's going to be one of those days today". Outside the temperature is in the mid fifties. There is a dense overcast which might burn off by late afternoon.  There are intermittent showers which my flowers love, but I don't. I don't want to go outside today.  In my book, it is an indoor kind of day. 

A year or so ago I would have sat here in my living room feeling guilty about not doing the work that needs to be done outside, and, at the same time, ticked off that my husband wasn't around to do his part of the work.  Today is different.  There is still work to be done.  I did some yesterday, the day before, and the day before that, and enjoyed it. I will do some more in the coming days.  Will it ever be all finished?  No.  Do I have to feel guilty about it?  No. Will my husband be here to do "his part"?  No, so I do what I can, when I can. What doesn't get done today, this week, or this month will still be here tomorrow, next week, or next month. I will do some, my kids and grand kids will do some.  At least I will never have days that I have nothing to do.  

As for today, I might get outside later--when it gets warmer and isn't sprinkling. In other words, I probably will stay inside all day.  I have a good book to read as well as a crossword puzzle book containing the puzzles I love figuring out,diagram-less.Neither of these are on my  to-do list. I'll add them. Neither is polish my finger nails or make a rhubarb crisp--add them.

Now, I will check off "write blog", then I will make the crisp and clean off the fridge while the dessert bakes.  By then it might be lunch time (a green salad with tuna) or at least time for a snack like rhubarb crisp.  This afternoon I will polish my nails, do a couple puzzles, then settle into my chair in the sun room, read my book, and think about future blogs.  I'll do all this without feeling any of the guilt I used to feel.  That is so freeing.

I often thank God I am physically able to cut berry vines, pull weeds. mow the lawn, and mop floors. I thank him that I have a home I love in a beautiful setting, but I am equally thankful that I can have some "me" time to enjoy a day of mental stimulation as well as physical idleness. But most importantly, I am thankful I can rest without feeling guilty. I can do it with peace of mind.

"Oh yes, Lord, I think it is going to be one of those days today. Thanks"

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