Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Get up...Check

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

 7:00 AM
Get up to answer phone     Check
Talk to daughter, make bed     Check
Take shower, wash hair     Check
Dry and curl hair, do make up     Check
Enjoy breakfast and coffee at daughter's home    Check
Come home     Check
Make grocery list     Check
Check out usual websites     Check

Day looks promising thus far

10:00 AM
Start blog    Check
Leave laptop on couch to start spaghetti sauce     Check
Return to couch and laptop     Check
Think about what to write     Check
Go to kitchen to take pills     Check
Wash up cutting board, think about blog     Check
Put away last night's dishes     Check
Return to couch and laptop     Check
Think about what to write, go outside to sweep off porch     Check
Return to couch and laptop     Check
Think about what to write     Check
See mailman drive by, get mail     Check
Notice that the sun just came out     Check
Read junk mail, check grocery adds     Check
Remember I had forgotten to take pills, take them     Check
Read note and card from husband, get ticked off, wonder why. Can't figure it out.     Check

This was not on the radar when I got up this morning

10:45 AM
Don't want to think about writing any more, decide to go to town now, not later     Check
Shut down computer.  I'm still ticked.     Check

Lord, I don't like feeling this way.  What's up?

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