Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Discover Jesus Moment #9

I've been debating all day whether or not to write about the dream I had this morning. I have finally decided I would. The first reason is that I truly believe there are evil minions that love nothing better than interfering with a Christian's life. In other words, I believe Satan is alive and well. I also know his power is nothing compared with the power of the almighty God who created the universe with the mere sound of his voice, and raised Jesus from the dead. My second reason is that it led to my Discover Jesus Moment.

As I shared yesterday, I have been having trouble sleeping this past week. As a result, I am extremely tired and have done close to nothing for days on end. After writing that blog, I recalled a conversation I had with my sister years ago when I was having a similar problem. She suggested that before going to bed I pray for my room to be surrounded by warrior angels so the enemy couldn't mess with my sleep. So I did. I even prayed that they scout out my closets and under my bed for anything that might go bump in the night. It helped.

By the time I went to bed last night, 11:45, and after completely forgetting the previously recalled conversation with my sister, I finished my usual bedtime routine, turned off the light, climbed into bed, pulled up the covers, put on my CPAP mask (yes, I have sleep apnea), and settled in for what I hoped would be a good night's sleep.

I started off on my left side, then my back, then my right side. By one a.m. I was on my left side again. Two o'clock came and went. Sleep finally came sometime after that.  I woke up at 3:30 and had to make a potty stop before going back to sleep. Then came the dream.

I was sleeping in my cozy bed when I heard the sound of singing coming from the living room. It was sort of like a kids choir. I was soon aware of someone in the room pushing back the sheer curtains that cover the French doors in my room. I had the feeling that the someone was male and he was letting someone else into the room. Soon the room was filled with wind swirling around and around like a mini tornado. The sound of the wind grew louder and louder until it was almost deafening. As one of the figures started coming toward the bed, I sat up and started shouting at the top of my lungs, "In the name of Jesus leave this house and return to the pit you came from. You have no power over the blood of the Lamb, the Lord of my life. In the name of Jesus get out." I remember screaming this several times. 

Then I woke up. The dream had been very intense, but I did not wake up frightened. I will admit I was concerned, but not scared. I stayed in bed awhile, then got my Bible and started reading it aloud. In fact, I read all of 1 Corinthians. I then prayed aloud like I had prayed in my dream plus some.  Thus began my day that ended with my Discover Jesus Moment.

It came in the most wonderful, yet unusual way. My oldest granddaughter came over this evening for some help with her English assignment. When she had finished, we started talking like we usually do. For some unknown reason, at least unknown at the time, I told her about my dream and about reading 1 Corinthians out loud, and praying over the room. We were just finishing our conversation when her mother came to pick her up.

As I was retelling the story for my daughter, my granddaughter asked if I had a Bible handy. I did. It was still on my bed from this morning. So off she went to my bedroom. Five minutes later she returned with Bible in hand and shared a verse the Lord had told her to pray over the room. Guess what? It was from 1 Corinthians. Chapter four-verse twenty to be exact. "The kingdom of God is not a matter of talk, but of power."

"That's what God wants us to pray, Nana," she told me.

Out of all the verses in the Bible, that was an interesting one to choose I thought as I began writing this blog.

Just a few minutes ago she called to tell me the rest of the story. As her mother and I were talking, and I mentioned reading 1 Corinthians, the Lord told her to get a Bible and read from chapter 4.  It wasn't until she reached the very end of the chapter that verse 20 jumped off the page. "The kingdom of God is not a matter of talk, but of power." She proceeded to look at other verses elsewhere, but each time got a "No" from God. She then spent five minutes praying over my room. She went straight to the throne room with her righteous anger. She prayed the scripture and she prayed in tongues.

As she ended our phone call, she said, "Nana, I just had to let you know it's gone, and that no one messes with my Nana!"

So tonight I discovered Jesus in a sixteen year old girl who loves both him and me. I'm blessed.

"Thank you for this child, Lord. Bless her. May she continue listening to your voice and obeying you. Amen"

Sleep well, I will.
Jan aka Nana

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