Saturday, April 27, 2013

Just Wondering

Just wondering something right now. If my desire is to do all things as unto the Lord, why am I procrastinating going into town to have the lawn mower battery checked? Shouldn't I have been up at the crack of dawn and excited to get that new battery so I could mow this wonderful place the Lord gave me?

If my desire is to be the best steward of what I have been given, why in the world is my couch covered with clothes to be folded and my floor littered with the Smithsonian magazine and last night's newspaper? Shouldn't those clothes I've been blessed with be folded and placed lovingly in the drawers and closets where they belong? Shouldn't my living room be dusted, vacuumed and picked up? After all, I see my home as my sanctuary, just God and me, but it is a tad messy right now.

If I truly believe my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, why do I not exercise? Why is it noon already and I still haven't brushed my teeth or combed my hair? Shouldn't I present myself as a living sacrifice without blelmish each and every morning? If I were judged merely by outward appearances, I would be rejected at first glance--nothing perfect and without blemish here.

There I go again, piling guilt upon myself because of the enemy's lies. Yes,I know that no matter how hard I might try, I will never achieve perfection in this life. And yes, there are definitely changes I can and need to make. This vase called Jan is still being molded. But, NO, as I blogged last week, I will not push the replay button of my short comings and faults. Instead I will once again confess them, and stand on the promises God has made. I will re-pray and not replay.

I am his child. He loves me. He has a plan for my life. He gives me spiritual  gifts and talents to accomplish the work he has given me. He blesses me with all things. He is my Healer. He is my Comforter. He is my Redeemer. He is the Mighty Warrior... He is my All in All.

Ok. I am ready to make myself presentable and drive to town. Look out world; here I come. Goodbye procrastination. Hello Battery Place. Do I fold my clothes now or after I get back?

Just wondering,

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