Friday, April 12, 2013

War of Love

Before rolling out of bed this morning, an ad on the radio caught my attention. "Men, if you want to win the War of Love, you have to bring out the big guns. That is what it takes to win the battle." The local jeweler continued talking about the wonderful diamond rings, necklaces and earrings in his store's war chest at the mall. Whatever you thought was necessary to win her over in the War of Love, he had it. Come on in and buy some bling for your lady.

Those kind of ads, turn my stomach.  I'm not sure what they says about a relationship. If all it takes to win the battle for her heart is a gold necklace with diamonds, how deep are her emotions for you? Sounds pretty shallow to me.  Let me add, though, that a gift as a sign of love is very nice and thoughtful. I'm just not a jewelry person and would probably question the underlying motives. But that is just me and where I am at this point in my life. I still have trust issues.

Anyway, the news droned on in the background while I thought about love, true love, trusting love, eternal love, love with no strings attached, AGAPE love. GOD'S LOVE. What did he use to win the War of Love? What was God's big gun if he had or needed one? It certainly wasn't diamonds, rubies, emeralds, or any other precious jewels. Neither did he use platinum, silver or gold. No pendant, brooch, earring,or bracelet came wrapped up in a little box with a beautiful bow on top.

God's big gun came wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger, but left wrapped in a grave cloth and lying in a tomb. Witnesses to the battle had their minds filled with the unforgettable sights and sounds of hammers and nails, blood and crown of thorns, soldiers and crowds, dark sky and rough-hewn crosses, the words "it is finished" followed by a terrifying earthquake. That battle in the War of Love was considered over, but it wasn't. It was over only when the stone cold body that had been sealed up in a tomb, rose from that grave, leaving behind a bloodied grave cloth. That is how God win the war--with the gruesome death and glorious resurrection of the big gun, Jesus Christ, his only son.

It is unfathomable that his love for me, for you, for the world is so great that he would do that.

God won the War of Love. Sorry, Satan, you lost.

Living with the victor and in his love. How awesome is that?

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