Monday, April 8, 2013

My Weird Week

Wednesday, April 4, 2013

I wish I could say this has been a great week. Well, I could say it, but it just doesn't seem that way. It has been a sort of crazy week, actually. I had wanted to mow the yard, but couldn't do that because I couldn't start the mower. It turned over, but didn't catch. That was all it did, turn over. I checked the gas. It was fine. I wasn't. I wanted to mow. If I were a little younger, well, quite a bit younger, I would have thrown myself on the ground, pounded it with my fists, and screamed, "I WANT TO MOW!"

It is in frustrating times like this that I get angry at my husband all over again. Why isn't he around when I need help? Now I will have to wait until who know when. Oh well, that's the way it goes.

What started out with the frustration of wanting to mow and unable to do so ended up with getting my garage partially cleaned out. At least my passengers can now get in and out of the car with ease  while the car is parked in the garage. It felt good to get something accomplished even if it wasn't mowing. That was Monday.

Then came Tuesday. My plan originally had been to finish up the mowing I had started on Monday, so I decided to try starting the mower again. It worked. It fired right up. I was ecstatic. I drove out of the garage into the driveway, and was just starting to sing a little mowing jingle when it died, quit, gave up the ghost. I put it in neutral, turned the key. There was nothing but silence. It didn't respond at all. I tried again, and again, and again. No luck. I guess it had had just enough juice in the battery to run for a few seconds before dying. That was a bummer. Now I had to huff and puff, push and shove to get the dead mower back into the garage because it was starting to sprinkle.

I wanted to get some type of work done outside, so decided to at least use the weed eater for a few minutes before the real rain came. I trimmed in front of the garage, around the plum tree by the barn die (not the tree, the weed eater). I guess I should have plugged it in the day before trying to use it. Oh well, that's the way it goes.

Wednesday, great Bible study, bought some groceries in the pouring rain, but I didn't feel very well. Just tired. Not sleepy, just tired. It seems that no matter what time I go to bed, be it 10, midnight, or anywhere in between, I don't fall asleep until at least one AM. Then I wake up at 6:30. No matter how hard I try, I can't fall asleep again. Finally around 7:30 I get up. Five and one-half hours of sleep per night just doesn't cut it. I've tried napping, but sleep doesn't come. I just lie there with my eyes closed, resting for an hour or so. It doesn't help. I can't like it at all.

Monday, April 8th--picking up where I left off.

Thursday, I went to my son's house for an all day ladies' event. Most of the women were working on photo albums. I took my laptop to re-enter things I had lost when my previous laptop crashed last summer. I'm thankful I had hard copies of many things I had written, but sadly, I lost quite a bit. This time I am saving to a memory stick.

The morning passed, so did lunch, then came the afternoon. I hadn't gotten much of anything done. I just couldn't concentrate. I was so tired. I ended up watching a painting project taking place in my grandson's room. Any Seahawk fan would love the finished product. I finally went home after dinner. It was raining very hard, still.

Friday I had family over for dinner. I fixed chicken enchiladas, green salad, and chocolate pudding. It was all delicious. To be perfectly honest, one of the reasons I had them all over was because I wanted the chocolate pudding. It is made with 2 cups chocolate chips, 1/4 cup sugar, 2 eggs, and pinch of salt. You put these in a blender, then add 1 1/2 cups scalding hot milk and blend for 1 minute. The pudding is then poured into small bowls and refrigerated for a couple hours. It was so good, in fact, that I had a second dish of it before I went to bed.

Saturday morning I was still tired, still not much sleep, and it was still raining. I topped off my breakfast of scrambled eggs with a bowl of pudding. Did I mention that I had made a double recipe? Soon after breakfast, things got weird. I started having PVCs. No, not poly-vinyl-chloride (plastic) pipe. Premature ventricular contractions. It feels like your heart is skipping beats, but it isn't. It will beat, then the next beat comes immediately after the first. There is then a long pause. It is like this: beat, rest, beat, rest, be-beat, r  e  s  t, beat, rest, beat, rest, be-beat, r  e  s  t, beat... When the two beats come close together, it is like a kerwham in your chest. I have had this condition for years and years. Medication keeps it under control. Saturday was the first time in years they have been this noticeable. They just wouldn't go away. They bugged me all day. They may not be life threatening, but I don't have to like them.

Then came the dawn. Not as in morning, but as in "a light went on in my little pea brain." I hopped on the computer and typed in the question, "Can chocolate cause PVCs?" Yep it sure can! So can coffee. Since I have coffee only 2-3 times a week, it has never bothered me. I found out, though, that a couple bowl of chocolate pudding a day will start the old ticker marching to the beat of a different drummer--one I didn't like. Problem solved.

I went to church Sunday. I considered staying home, wanted to stay home, almost convinced myself to stay home, but didn't. It was still pouring rain. I was still quite tired, but I went.There was a huge crowd--almost as many as Easter. That was great. The worship, as always, was uplifting, and the sermon provided food for thought and a small Discover Jesus Moment, a new way of seeing something old. Pastor is beginning a new series from 1 Corinthians. He said that our testimonies are our encounters with Jesus. We can have all the biblical education in the world, be able to read Hebrew and Greek, recite chapter and verse at will, but if we have never encountered Jesus up close and personal, we have only learning and no testimony. A new light was shed on what I already knew. That was good. I'm glad I went. Other than celebrating the Sabbath with wonderful people, today finished up like all the others, nothing much accomplished. But isn't that what the Sabbath is all about--worship, not work. I just wanted to sleep.

So another Monday has arrived. It hasn't rained today! Actually the rain last week hadn't been as bad as I had thought. We have had only 3.5 inches this month. That averages out to less than 1/2 inch a day. Those are practically drought conditions, not. I am still tired, but slept well last night. The PVCs have almost stopped. I've almost finished this inane blog. Who wants to know what my week had been like, anyway? The important thing is for me is to write. In order to do that, I need to take time to feel, to examine, to question, to discover, to vent, and try to understand.

So, there you have it, my weird week. Oh, the forecast for the coming week? Rain, chance of rain, showers, and wind with two track meets thrown in. Temperatures in the high 40s to low 50s. That includes next weekend, too. Some Discover Jesus Moments this week would be a great help. So far he hasn't spoken to me about building an ark. My mower may not work, but I do have a hammer, nails, saw and duct tape. I'm ready.

Besides, I need the reminder that God's blessings, like this rain, just keeps coming and coming and coming. "Thanks, Lord."

Have a great Discover Jesus week. I'm planning to.

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