Sunday, August 25, 2013

Afternoon Siestas

There I laid, flat on my stomach on my bedroom floor, when I heard a cheery voice say," Hi, Mom, we're here."

"I'm in the bedroom," I whispered as quietly as I could and still be heard. I thought of saying something smart like, "I've fallen and I can't get up." I didn't because I hadn't. Instead, I was experiencing a face-to-face encounter with a beautiful, curious doe who was slowly approaching the window on my French doors.

If I had been standing up, she would have quickly recognized me as a human form and moved away from the house, taking her spotted twins with her. But all she could see in the window was my face at her eye level. What was I? As she slowly moved closer and closer, I held my breath. How close would she come? One fawn, equally curious, moved alongside her.

It wasn't long before the doe and fawn were staring in at three enchanted faces that were staring back. Within a few minutes the deer were only a few feet away, but their curiosity was finally satisfied. We seemed harmless, so they turned to more important matters such as munching on salal and freshly mowed grass. Then the deer slowly moved out of sight, but the magic remained.

After my daughter and son-in-law left, I looked out other windows to see if the family might still be around. They were. It was nap time for the little ones. While mom stood guard, the fawns slept in the shade of a large spruce tree. This was the second time in several days that their afternoon siesta was spent in my yard. I trust they slept well.

Lovin' God's creation,


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