Sunday, August 18, 2013

Co-mingled Computer-Sermon Thoughts

As I sat at home this morning and listened to my church's service over the internet, I started looking at all the different keys on my keyboard and wondering what they were for. What in the world did they do? I had never paid much attention to them. I know f9, f10, and f11 will mute, increase, and decrease the volume of my speakers. Ctl x and v are great for cutting and pasting; and when everything freezes up, use ctl/alt/del, but that is about all I know.

I also checked out the little glass circle at the top of my laptop where it says, "HP True Vision HD". I had never noticed it before. I finally realized it was a camera for skyping or creating crazy videos of myself for YouTube if I were so inclined. Hmmm, I'll have to think about that one later.

Here is what I did think about though. This laptop of mine has all sorts of features I haven't a clue about. I turn it on, log in, check out my favorite web sites, play a few games, watch a few shows, write my blog, and track my finances. That is about it. I know and use the basics when it comes to spreadsheets and word processing. That is all I need. But, what am I missing out on when it come to the power in electronics and the cyber-world? That is what I asked myself.

While praise and worship was going on in the background, my thought about computer possibilities continued. I could get online help to learn some new things. My kids could teach me other things if I asked for help. Or I could just experiment. Somewhere in that process I would discover more of the power that is available to my fingertips, power that I don't even know about? Part of my hesitancy is a fear of fouling everything up. Part is complacency--I'm happy doing what I'm doing. I really don't need to know more, do more, or ....

(...the sermon coming through my speakers was beginning to mingle with my thoughts about my computer...)

...God's power is available to everyone of us. So is his abundant grace and mercy. None of us deserves any of it. It isn't a question of us or our deeds being good enough. It is all about God's generous, abundant gifts. The question is will we receive and act in return...

( thoughts of computer power and God power were really blending at this point...)

I know my computer has skyping abilities. Have I checked it out and acted on it? No! I also know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Have I really and seriously checked it out and acted on it? No!  I do what I know I can do. "It's easier that way. It's a fail-proof method." I tell myself. No sooner are those words out of my mouth than a lie is believed. By doing the easy thing and not stepping out in faith is denying the truth of God's word. By doing the easy thing, I cut myself off from becoming all I can be, doing all I can do,  and experiencing God's power, mercy and grace to its fullest.

I can live without skype and the power of the cyber-world. I don't think I am missing that much. But to miss out on experiencing God's power to the fullest because I am content to live as I am and not continue growing is a travesty. I can almost hear God saying, "My dear daughter, I have so much to give you, yet you seem content to live in spiritual poverty and to waste much of what you do have."

Lord, let me live your promises without fearing failure. You know the plans you have for me. Show me the path your heart desires me to walk so that those plans will be realized.
Give me clarity of vision, purity of heart, and open ears. I want what you want me to want, Lord. I really do. Please remove the complacency that tends to define who I am. 
You have blessed me so much, Lord. You have provided what I needed even when I have not specifically prayed for it. You truly know my heart and my needs; and you give your abundance in spite of my shortcomings. I confess there are many, but will not name them all before the world. You know every single ones of them, even the ones I am unaware of. Make me aware, Lord.  
I praise and give you thanks, all powerful one: Provider, Shepherd, King, Healer, Deliverer, Warrior, Creator, Redeemer, my Shalom.
Good night, Father, and Amen. 

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