Friday, August 2, 2013

New Carpet

Years ago one of my children had to write a paper on Beowulf, an ancient Anglo-Saxon epic poem, for a high school English class. The teacher didn't want pronouns such as he, she, and they used when they the students could creatively use nouns. That Writing with limited use of pronouns is extremely difficult. Yesterday's blog was an attempt to do just that such an attempt. The challenge will continue for a few days. Will it what is now difficult becomes easier with experience? Only time will tell.

The real challenge is not in refraining from pronoun usage, but in using nouns that will still keep the feel of down-home conversation. That might The possibility might be beyond my reach, but if possible, I This puzzle lover will solve it find a solution.

The bold and italic enhancements and strike-throughs are for demonstration purposes only. Such overt visuals won't be used beyond this point.

Here is a question. When preparing and packing for a two week camping vacation, and leaving within a day, what should the head of the household do? Surely each of us has our own answer, and each of us would probably be correct in our own minds. For one young man, namely son number two, installing wood flooring in his daughter's bedroom took top priority! Honestly!

Two days ago the pink bedroom walls were repainted a mint green, and the pink carpet was removed. One wall was painted black. Mainly consisting of folding closet doors, which stayed white, and recessed shelves, which became mint green, this wall added a nice accent, as did all the now black trim. As of last evening, the flooring was finally installed and the furniture starting to reappear. The only remaining tasks of the decorating project are the application of a large, beautiful scripture decal on one wall, and a mint green, hand painted design above the closet door--to be completed upon return from vacation.

Replacing my granddaughter's carpet was a necessary step. Miss Smiley-All-The-Time has allergies. Carpets and allergies just don't mix, especially on sleep-overs when a gaggle of giggling girls bed down on the soft floor for the night. By morning, Miss Smiles has transformed into Miss Miserable-Itchy-Splotchy-Face. The carpet might have been more comfortable than the wood floor will be, but the carpet had to go.

There is carpeting in my own life that needs to go, too--not in my house, in my life. Attitudes are the main problem, attitudes that can change me from Ms Happy-Feelgood to Ms Blue-Stay-At-Home. Some of the stuff has been in my mood carpet for years, building up layer by layer. For example, take the allergens that cause me to doubt myself, what I do, and what I have to say. Being around people can stir up enough emotions that I begin feeling miserable. That is when the flight mode kicks in.

I say, "Can stir up," not "Does stir up." After the news of my husband's crime became public, "does stir up" was the norm. Enough vacuuming and dusting has taken place by now that "does stir" is now "can stir." I probably need to remove the carpet in that part of my mind because using previous experiences to justify escaping any situation I want to get out of--even if I don't feel an emotional need to flee has become easy. The sometime vacuumed, mite filled, pollen filled, lie filled carpet has become comfortable.

The solution to my problem is the installation of a new, clean, truth filled, love filled, incense filled carpet so when I, or others, walk on its fibers only goodness and a sweet aroma will be stirred up.

I need to shop for a new carpet. How about a blood red one?

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