Thursday, August 29, 2013

Berries or Bears?

Berries or Bears
This is a brief berry picking report. There were quite a few ripe berries available yesterday.That was a plus. I was attacked by thorns several times, but no blood was drawn. That was another plus. After picking only about only four cups worth, I observed several piles of bear dung beside me. So long berries, hello house. That definitely was not a plus.

Was it really bear dung? I don't know. From pictures on-line, I am fairly certain it was. I know it wasn't deer or elk. It wasn't cow or horse. It wasn't cougar, coyote or raccoon. That leaves bear.

I have never seen any of those fuzzy critters on my property, but there is no reason I would. They won't come close to the house unless they are starving and I have garbage available for them. Neither one is the case here. Yet, the idea that they are munching on the berries is enough to keep me away from the berry patch--at least for now. Although, if I rode the mower out there, the noise would scare anything away that might be enjoying a berry dessert--a dessert I want.

Since it is pouring rain right now (what else would it pour?) I will wait awhile before mounting my trusty, noisy mower and heading out for more berries. I really want enough for a large Blackberry Crisp--8 to 12 cups should do it. In the meantime, I will finish up some house chores before my grandson and his wife arrive this evening. Friday night, my son and his wife will also arrive. It will be fun having everyone here for a few days. Family time means good food, good conversation, fun games, and lots of laughs. Bring it on.

Lord, thank you the the blessing of family, grant everyone safe travel, and please keep the bears in the woods. I want more berries.

Or Lord, if you want, you could triple the ones I already have.


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